Album Idea


† Followed the Reaper †
Mar 23, 2005
Don't worry, I won't stay for a talk, just dropping my vision about a new COB album for Christmas present. I've indeed figured something new, despite flooding in everything I got before Halo of Blood.

I'd like to see short, fast, brutal songs, with an atmospheric tension, building horror-themed synthesizer passage between every song (except before and after a slow song) leading to the vicious climax of the following song. 7 fast killers and 2 slow doomy tracks. The durations could go like so:

1 - 3:10 (quick song)
(20 sec horror passage)
2 - 3:10 (quick song)
(20 sec horror passage)
3 - 3:10 (quick song)
4 - 5:00 (slow song)
5 - 3:10 (quick song)

(20 sec horror passage)
6 - 3:10 (quick song)
(20 sec horror passage)
7 - 3:10 (quick song)
8 - 5:00 (slow song)
9 - 3:10 (quick song)

Quick songs like Silent Night and Halo of Blood have proven to be very good and no-one thinks of them as being "short". Just concentrate more epicness to shorter amount of time and build tension between songs that escalates in the most menacing Bodom tracks ever. I think this approach would force to make vocals and lyrics more considered, too - having less singing with better vocals and better lyrics would be INSANELY good. It should be the most atmospheric and most demonic album yet. A couple movie speeches could be included among the passages - but only ones that are actually good. The quick songs don't necessarily have to be fast always, as for example Are You Dead Yet is a very dramatic song without being that fast.

In this time of metal bands dying out one should be brave and creative to shock the world. Total duration would be 32:30 in this formula. I think it would be an exciting album, and fans would rather hear 20 minutes of epicness than 40 minutes of gray with gems here and there. Naturally creation comes before "molding", but this is what I'd love to see.

In my mind the color of soundworld (and artwork) should be either blackish green or violet to psychologically suit this kind of thing.

I typed this shit for the band in case they'd be interested in what a long time / dedicated / obsessed fan thinks.

That's all, bye.
The only problem is I think Alexi would have trouble packing so many riffs, melodies, solos, keyboard solos in a short song
I'd rather ship Alexi off to Jazz school again before the next album. The guy need some new ideas and licks. Sure 3:00 songs are good, but we have plently of filler songs like that as well ...
I'd rather ship Alexi off to Jazz school again before the next album. The guy need some new ideas and licks. Sure 3:00 songs are good, but we have plently of filler songs like that as well ...

I have to disagree, almost every song on Halo of Blood had an awesome riff on it

1. "Waste of Skin"
2."Halo of Blood" 3:12 >>>>>>Awesome tremolo black metal-esque riffs
3."Scream for Silence" 4:09 >>> Great melody, that cool weird scale riff
4."Transference" 3:58 >>>>>> The riff before the solo and cool melody
5."Bodom Blue Moon (The Second Coming)" 4:14
6."Your Days Are Numbered" 3:40 >>>> Great intro riff and black metal esque riffs
7."Dead Man's Hand on You" 4:58 >>> Great simple chorus
8."Damaged Beyond Repair" 4:20 >>>Heavy as shit intro riff and the rest are really good too
9."All Twisted" 4:51 >>>>>>>>>>> Great intro riff again
10."One Bottle and a Knee Deep" >>> Amazing memorable intro riff
I think Rune rather was talking about songs like Northpole Throwdown. HOB was and is one of their best albums, for sure, but compared to RRF, there aren't any good riffs. If I take your song list as an example - where is there a riff in WOS? Or in HOB? A good riff in SFS? You must be kidding. Transference? The thing before the solo is cool, but nothing special.
Good riffs are in my opinion the bridge before BBT solo, the Downfall intro, the breakdown in PMS, the verse in Ugly, AYDY intro, COB intro and of course - the chorus in All Twisted - one of the best I've ever heard in any metal song.
I wouldn't ship him to Jazz school again, but I definitely want to play him some more blues stuff like the first Hate me solo. What he really needs to skip is that annoying pentatonic stuff which just sounds boring.

Even the riff in WIWI is cooler than most of the stuff he wrote for HOB.

What I want is a mix of RRF (for the technical and guitar tone aspect), HOB (for the mastering and heaviness aspect), Suicide by my side (for the solo aspect) and for the riffs a mix of AYDY, RRF and HCDR

Edit: And for Alexis clothes - Something Wild. Because he looks like a metalcore jerk now

Hey, I'm Alexi! I'm one of the most inspiring metal guitarist for the last 10 years for young metal guitarists! Wanna be as metal as fuck like me? Wear a stupid hat, wear some stupid sunglasses even if it's dark and don't forget to wear some stupid shirts with stupid pics and sayings on it! And don't forget to wear some stupid sneakers and the most important thing is: Don't forget to come as drunk and tired as fuck to a guitar clinic and show your fans how NOT to play your own songs! That's the most important thing because that's cool and metal!
WOS doesn't have a great riff in it, but I like that song. HOB on the other hand I think has two cool riffs, the intro black metally riff and the octave verse riff (neither are particularly new or original though).

I can't really fault him for how he dresses. Do I like it? No. But he seems like a pretty free spirited guy who just wears what he wants so I won't criticize him for it.
the breakdown in PMS

I think PMS is riff-wise a very great song, catchy stuff here and there and it's heavy as fuck. Not your usual COB song but I think it's alright.

Hey, I'm Alexi! I'm one of the most inspiring metal guitarist for the last 10 years for young metal guitarists! Wanna be as metal as fuck like me? Wear a stupid hat, wear some stupid sunglasses even if it's dark and don't forget to wear some stupid shirts with stupid pics and sayings on it! And don't forget to wear some stupid sneakers and the most important thing is: Don't forget to come as drunk and tired as fuck to a guitar clinic and show your fans how NOT to play your own songs! That's the most important thing because that's cool and metal!

Grunge bands made it cool to suck and Alexi isn't afraid to keep their legacy going on.
Edit: And for Alexis clothes - Something Wild. Because he looks like a metalcore jerk now

Hey, I'm Alexi! I'm one of the most inspiring metal guitarist for the last 10 years for young metal guitarists! Wanna be as metal as fuck like me? Wear a stupid hat, wear some stupid sunglasses even if it's dark and don't forget to wear some stupid shirts with stupid pics and sayings on it! And don't forget to wear some stupid sneakers and the most important thing is: Don't forget to come as drunk and tired as fuck to a guitar clinic and show your fans how NOT to play your own songs! That's the most important thing because that's cool and metal!

I hope the next album is as well produced as HOB was, that album sounded fantastic in my opiniom
I'd rather ship Alexi off to Jazz school again before the next album. The guy need some new ideas and licks. Sure 3:00 songs are good, but we have plently of filler songs like that as well ...

This. He needs some new ideas for sure, especially for the solos, tired of hearing that same pentatonic blues lick in every single solo and improvisation.

Also, the clothes too. Those hats man....
I agree with the pentatonic stuff completely. Hell, even in videos where he's playing actual recorded songs, he tends to improvise the solos and play the same bluesy lick.

I think he said in an interview once that solos were just an excuse to show off and that's always been the case with Alexi. The difference between the million-times-mentioned "olden days" and now is that he used to compose the solos as solid and memorable melodies that truly fit the song they were in incredibly well. Sure, they were still him showing off (they were guitar solos after all), but they retained some musical impact and, from a songwriting and composition point of view, were true expressions of his talent.

I'm not saying his stuff now is bad in any way; HoB had some great parts and so did RRF but I feel like the style he's been soloing for the past few years has been worn a bit too thin, which is probably why they've started to sound a little more exciting, which is a really good sign.
Some artwork ideas:

1) Black reaper / shadows, grayish turquoise grass field with gloomy mist and full moon.

2) Violet thunderstorm by the lake.

3) Full moon at night with teenage gangsters under bridge.
IMO it think it needs again a song like Kissing The Shadows I love those 3 Minutes Solo thingy. :p No, serious the most solos
from Alexi were too short and mostly too boring i think, it's just my opinion. I loved those longer solos like 25 to 40 seconds
in one piece, for example the Midnight Madness Solo from Sinergy is one of my absolute favourites.
The solos should derive from the main melody of the song, like they used to, so you could hum them like in the past days. If it's a melodyless shredding solo then it needs at least an interesting beat and synth hits in the background. Preferably both. Can't just throw in a random solo anywhere. Every solo should be a fascinating opportunity to make godly music. In a rush it can of course be a painful bit of work. I can imagine the amount of hectic work and timetable will easily hinder the flame of creativity. I'd indeed love some atmospheric, cool solos that stick to your head, and have a catchy beat and synth hits in the background.
Some artwork ideas:

1) Black reaper / shadows, grayish turquoise grass field with gloomy mist and full moon.

2) Violet thunderstorm by the lake.

3) Full moon at night with teenage gangsters under bridge.

I think the first idea would be pretty cool
I think the first idea would be pretty cool

Yeah and that kind of setting changes hue depending on the sun, could go from the blue moment of the evening to a red sunset or just a cold dim light. Imagine this with the full moon. Maybe it could appear as the shore of the lake. The forest by autumn or spring also gives a more eerie feel than a lush summery forest. Of course the evergreen fur trees are always creepy. I would include ghosts of children, instead of the usual graveyard or skeletons, maybe the Reaper resting his scythe on the ground and holding earth soil on his hand, symbolizing he's in the material world unlike the spirits. The ghosts of children or adolescents on a misty, arid field would look eerie, leaving you with the question why they need to haunt this place, maybe a traumatic death or spiritual imprisonment of sadness, or is it the consequence of following the Reaper? Then again be careful with using everything together (moon, mist, lake) to avoid cliche and overdoing it. I think mist and ghosts and the Reaper/earth thing would be sick.

I presonally wouldn't give a fuck about album cover, it could be a pink reaper scything himself in the ass on a nude beach if the music is as good as the 4 first albums.
Yeah, the artwork has to gel with the music, and if the music is bad, it doesn't matter how good the artwork is, let's put it that way.

Of course with this artwork idea you could tweak the color hue of the sunlight a little bit, depending on the color of the sound on the album.