Album Review (sorry, I had to make my own thread =P)


Here's to hoping...
Jan 24, 2004
Just because I would've clogged up the other, here's my review:

This album is absolutely stunning. As a fan of the band this is much, much more than I could have ever asked for. So let’s go track by track shall we?

1. The Pale Haunt Departure – The opening track of the album starts off with some great drumming by Joe Nunez. Once this track gets going, it goes straight for the throat. Really great song to open up the album, and Paul’s growls sound fucking EVIL on this song. Absolutely a stunning track.

2. Swallowed By The Moon – Since I’ve been listening to this song on a fairly regular basis since it was available, this was one I was already familiar with. But the lyrics on this song are absolutely heartbreaking. Paul’s vocals, both clean and growled, are awesome. The acoustic break in the middle is really nicely done as well. But talk about a heartbreaker, the music sets the atmosphere and the lyrics rip your heart out.

3. Autumn Reflection – Starts off with some nice acoustic guitar, that breaks into some harder music, with Paul still singing clean. I’ve gotta say, sometimes hard music + clean singing = bad, but this song is just fucking stunning (starting to see a pattern yet?). Again, this song just has such atmosphere, the music has really come together for this nicely (not that it hasn’t before, but wow.)

4. Dark World Burden – This one is a faster song for this album. Good riffs throughout, and Paul’s growls sound ferocious. The drumming and bass on this track are also top-notch. I like the faster pace this song goes at, and the lyrics are, again, fantastic.

5. In The Absence Of Grace – I wish I could see the look on everyone’s face when this breaks out of the opening acoustic part and Paul let’s a growl fly. What a great opening to this song. This is a good song, but so far, the only thing that was kind of “eh” for me were the parts where Paul half talks/half growls. Still a great track, just a personal thing for me!

6. The Dead Leaf Echo – Ahhhh. What a great fucking song. The opening slow part and the growls are just fucking excellent. The clean singing sounds fucking EPIC on this song as well. This is quite possibly my favorite track on the album (don’t hold me to it, I’ve only listened through it 2/3 times as I’m writing this.) But WOW.

7. Through A Child’s Eyes – The structure of this song reminded me of If Forever from To Welcome The Fade. But, again, it seems more matured, and I like the Camel-esque vocals on this song. It’s used to achieve a great effect, and this is simply another great track on an album that has (for me) almost no flaws. The ending leads/guitar parts of this track are awesome.

8. Collapse of the Fallen Throe – The ending track of The Pale Haunt Departure. Starts with some pounding music and Paul’s growls. The acoustic break is a welcome break from the punishment we get in the first 4:00 or so minutes. Then back into hell. A GREAT closer, which is an accomplishment in itself, since a lot of closing tracks suck.

On a final note, I need to address the artwork which is fucking top-notch, just like the album. The scenes in the booklet correspond so well to the songs you’re listening to. I highly recommend sitting down with the booklet, and looking at the pictures while listening. As far as I’m concerned this is the best album released in 2005 so far, easily. It’ll be hard for any other album to top this monster.

-Mike Bozzuto-
I have to say, I was sad to have this album end. You guys NEED to tour. NOW.
Novembers Paul said:
Wow, thanks for taking the time to do that! That's very cool to read for us, so we encourage everyone to do this! haha!

Trust me, there aren't many releases that warrant a review like that, but this is really really great stuff, Paul. I can't wait to see you guys live.
Yeah, festival sets are kinda hit or miss sometimes. We're usually being rushed onto the stage and off the stage, and we're lucky to get 25 minutes to perform usually. Plus, running up there and jumping on rental gear we've never used before is always an adventure, and not necessarily in a good way. Still it's a good way to get seen by people I guess. Hopefully though, most of you will get the chance to see us on a proper tour, with a set length that's a bit longer and on gear that we can set up to sound properly for us!
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
Yeah, festival sets are kinda hit or miss sometimes. We're usually being rushed onto the stage and off the stage, and we're lucky to get 25 minutes to perform usually. Plus, running up there and jumping on rental gear we've never used before is always an adventure, and not necessarily in a good way. Still it's a good way to get seen by people I guess. Hopefully though, most of you will get the chance to see us on a proper tour, with a set length that's a bit longer and on gear that we can set up to sound properly for us!
wow good song by song review. i listened to the whole thing yesterday. fuckin amazing throughout. just wow what an experience. the artwork is really good. and this is comming from someone who usually doesn't give a shit about artwork in an album. it really set the mood too. i have yet to really soak in every song. if i have anything really different to say than everyone else i'll give note to that, but so far, there isn't much i disagree with. best album to date. i've already shown some songs to some of my friends, they love it. and some of these people have never liked growling and shit.

oh yeah come back to Jersey or at least NY... there's tons of metal fans over here that would love to hear you guys.