Into Nights Requiem Infernal Impressions

You know, I don't want to bash ND's label, but I have to say, Fuck TheEnd. They have mishandled so many orders for me in the past, I will never order from them again. Right now, I'm going out to Best Buy and picking up my copy. Then , I'll have it to listen to NOW, not next month or next fuckin' year. And when the copy I ordered from the end is returned from Outer Space, I'll send it back. As a consumer, I have had my patience tested too many times with TheEnd. I have fuckin' rights too man!!!I lay my money down, I want the product when they say it will arrive. No more excuses.
Been listening since last night, and after 5 listens; Big, beefy riffs. The guitar playing seems to have stepped up on this record. Excellent playing throughout. Every song has a memorable riff, the acoustic playing is beautifully done. Paul's vocals are superb. For me, his "clean" vocals are even better than ever, and of course, the growls are awesome. A discussion took place on this forum sometime ago about "understanding" what metal singers were saying. Paul does a phenomenal job with his anunciation. Every lyric is discernible, and when you understand what's being sung it makes all the difference for me. Another great vocal performance. Last, is the songwriting. The composition on this record could be the best ND have ever done. And if you don't write good songs well you know......... Into Night's Requiem Infernal might be ND's best album, but I'm partial to The Pale Haunt Departure. Certainly, their best album since that incredible record. I'm sure more listens will reveal even more. Fuckin' Bravo!!!!
Mine sounds a lot like silence, impatient foot-tapping, and miscellaneous grumblings. A confirmation email on 6/9 and nothing since. If I didn't want the shirt so badly...

I know it's not the end of the world to wait a few days but it seems a lot of pre-orders have already been received.
Congrats on the disc guys. Spun it four or five times. I thought the last disc was superb, but not quite on par with Pale Haunt. The new one seems like a nice step forward. Actually, it feels like everyone stepped up their game on this one, especially Larry. The riffing is just sensational. If I had one complaint, I wish there were a few more solos. The musical interludes are always so strong, I just wish they lasted a bit longer. But that complaint is trivial. There's not a weak moment on this disc. This will definitely finish the year in my top five and it's a definite contender for the number one spot.. If this disc doesn't end up on most year end lists, then people are just deaf.


All 6 Best Buys near me have it in stock. If you go to the Best Buy web site, you can check inventory of a specific location, and see if they have any on hand. After I looked and it said my local store had it, I went in and they had a couple copies left. $12.99.

hey, paul, i have a question... out of curiosity of course:

is it a little weird to go into a music store & see/look at a CD/band that you are/were a big part of? i think it would be kinda odd if it were me.

is it ever tempting to say "i am in that band" when looking at your band's CD(s) in a store just to see people's reactions are? (be that befuddlement or disbelief or whatever) i wouldn't say a word if it were me,but the thought would probably cross my would be tempting for some to do it just to mess with people (not saying you seem like thetyp, though) just curious.

ayway, hows things going? same old, same old? that's pretty much the norm here for me, anyway. same **** different boring day.

hope all is well, man.

So let's say you want to say "paul sounds like david gilmour crossed with ricky martin" for some odd reason.

You tweet #novdoom paul sounds like david gilmour crossed with ricky martin.

Then your tweet appears and #novdoom is a hyperlink which, when clicked, takes you to a page that shows all the search results for that tag automatically. Makes it alot easier to find WTG peeps are saying on a certain subject.

doesn't each message sent via twitter cost money? like texts on cell phones? sorry if it's a stupid question, i don't know much of anything about it, except it seems to be texting on a cell phone; which if so, explains why i don't know anything about it.. i hate cell phones & texting on them is even more annoying, imo. one time my former boss & i were comming back from setting up this catering event at a place, he gets a text & is TEXTING WHILE DRIVING, i'm already nervis enough in cars since.. wel forever, but the accident i was in made it worse. no serious ijnuries, but both cars were write-offs. all because someone was in a hurry to go up the hill & went into the intersection of the highway when they had the red light)

but if twitter is just yexting/im'ing, then wouldn't message boards related to metal & posts on vids on youtube (as crappy as it is reguading video comments related to metal) be a lot easier & cheaper? the band could put audio samples of the new album on myspace. not the whole song or album, but like half or so of a few songs. have a special playlist for the new album on youtube, basically...

you guys have your own playlist on youtube, just expand the buisness (so to speak) lol. then not only will people browsing on there come across it in random searches & possibly like it, but fans of various other metal bands can come across it too. and also fans of ND that aren't aware of there being a new album out can find out/sample it (it hapens, i know it does to me. i'll find out months after an album release some times.)
No, Twitter is 100% free. No cost at all for using it on my cell either, at least not on the iPhone. I can't speak for EVERY cell network, but AT&T and the iPhone, all the Twitter apps can be used for free, but some of the apps cost a couple of dollars to buy.

As far as best buy, to be perfectly honest, I've seen every one of our CD's in stores for 20 years now. The thrill is long gone. The last time I was excited to see a ND product in a store, was probably the DVD in Best Buy. That was pretty cool.

I do however, always take a photo of every new release I see the first time I see it in the store.

I'm so fucking broke right now its sad, but I want this album sooooooooo badly even more so after reading all the reviews. Hopefully I'll have enough money to buy it next week. It kinda sucks how so many new albums have come out this year and how few I've been able to buy. Oh well I have a new job coming through soon making more money so hopefully that'll change soon. :kickass:

No, Twitter is 100% free. No cost at all for using it on my cell either, at least not on the iPhone. I can't speak for EVERY cell network, but AT&T and the iPhone, all the Twitter apps can be used for free, but some of the apps cost a couple of dollars to buy.

As far as best buy, to be perfectly honest, I've seen every one of our CD's in stores for 20 years now. The thrill is long gone. The last time I was excited to see a ND product in a store, was probably the DVD in Best Buy. That was pretty cool.

I do however, always take a photo of every new release I see the first time I see it in the store.

i see what ya mean... i've got to remember that music is carried other places and not every best buy, sam goody, etc. just carries crap like slipknot,manson, disturbed, metallica, etc. along with crap like rap,hip-hop, pop, etc. but it must have felt pretty good the first time you saw a CD in a store you went to.

though the local sam goody has surpised me 4 times by having a cd i was looking for on the shelf. i was already at the mall & it's pretty much the only store i have any intrest in at the mall ( 'cause of dvds, music cds, etc.) so while my mom was looking for this or that or paying for this or that, i went to sam goody. never expected to find any of those CDs at any time (without having to special order it) but i was't gonna stand in radio shack, jc penny, payless, etc. i about had a heart attack when sam goody had Naglfar's album "Sheol" on the shelf. same with Lollipop Lust Kill's album "My So Called Knife" (good hard rock band, imo)

can we just swap stores, paul? you guys can have the location here and what they carry & i can actually get one that isn't 90% what MTV tells people to like (as far as music anyway) we don't have to tell anyone anything. we can just say it's under new management, perhaps? come on, ya know ya want to:notworthy
It just came in the mail Saturday, and I've had a few listens so far.

The two songs that have really grabbed me so far are When Desperation Fills The Void and Lazarus Regret. I was absolutely mesmerized while listening to When Desperation..., the cleans are beautiful (some of your best yet, Paul!), it's such a well put together song, and so very epic and emotional. I can see this ending up as one of my absolute favorite ND tunes.

Now Lazarus Regret - I love this song for it's sheer balls and brutality. The riffing is just awesome!!! I defy ANY metal lover to listen to this and NOT bang their head!!!!!!

I have just scratched the surface with this album, but so far it has met every expectation and more! Great job guys!!!!!!! :notworthy
You know, after having the album for awhile...

I think I Hurt Those I Adore might be the catchiest song on the album...

That one and A Eulogy for the Living Lost are probably my favorites.
Cool, "I Hurt..." doesn't seem to be catching people's attention as much as I'd thought it would so far. It's one of the songs I like the most on the cd, personally.

This song reminds me a bit of "They Were left To Die", in it's pace and mood. It didn't make much of an impact at first, but just like TWLTD, it's a grower fo' sho'!!! I'm REALLY digging it now!

Still think Lazarus Regret rocks the shit and is the highlight of the album!!! :notworthy
Purchasing now, will give it a couple of listens tonight after I sort out some eBay shenanigans (finally getting a new amp ftw)
Well half the tracks are making serious impressions on first listen, I think there's definitely a lot of progression.

Loved the title track overall.

Loved the intro drumming on the 2nd track and the riffs but I thought (as I do with most cases of this) that the growling over clean guitars was a little awkward.

Due to less listens I'm not quite as into Fifth Day of March as Twilight Innocence but it's pretty good, I see the Pink Floyd influence in the guitars though it sounded more like something off Anathema's Judgment or something (no accusations of copying though lol).

I liked that the album had a 3 minute song, sometimes that's just the best thing you can do with heavy riffs (big early Slayer/Bathory fan here..).

Noticed a couple of really badass riffs on The Harlot's Lie, and all the final song was just awesome with the little solos as well as the part I believe griev0r was calling funeral doom-esque (the outro).

Edit: Yea, another listen and the riff at 3:15 of The Harlot's Lie definitely rapes. Only thing this album needs is something as epic as the solo on Drown the Inland Mere <3.
Funny about the Anathema comment....I love Anathema, personally, "Alternative 4" is my favorite of theirs. However the funny thing is, a big part of why I like them is because they are REALLLLLLY influenced by Pink Floyd, haha. They've even covered PF on more than one occasion. So again, kinda like the Opeth thing, I think it's more of a case of us just sharing those older influences with those guys. But it probably bears more resemblance to Anathema in that ours is a more "doom-y" take on PF which is akin to Anathema's take on them too. In any case, Anathema rocks, certainly don't mind anyone saying our tune reminds them of those guys. But I was most definitely going for straight up unabashed Gilmour-ism on those guitar parts hehe ;)

I love that the growls over acoustics is "awkward", it's kinda supposed to be :) It's certainly not predictable, you can at least give it that!
Well it was very Pink Floyd-ish but I think the vocals make it more reminiscent of Anathema. Simply because Paul's cleans are more of a gloomy clean vox than a classic rock clean vox.