Albums currently kicking your ass


Suitable during this rainy day we're having down here.

So, the first time I listened to this album I was annoyed and thought it was absolute shit. I tried listening to it a few times after that and thought it was pretty forgettable still so I put it on the shelf for quite a while. About a month ago after I was talking to my fellow Opeth fanboy friend irl I decided to play it again to see if maybe it hits me differently, and it did. I started to like it a bit more as it grew on me but even then I still gave it maybe a 7/10. Fast forward to last weekend when I was blazed and played it while munching on some motherfucking homemade meatloaf and for some reason it finally clicked with me.

This album is pretty fucking awesome.

I just think I was jaded because I knew their shift from progressive death metal to progressive metal/rock was inevitable and I didn't want it to happen because every one of their albums from My Arms, Your Hearse to Ghost Reveries I absolutely love. When Watershed came out I wasn't exactly sure what to expect but after having digested that album and not liking it much, I think that gave me an preconceived belief that Heritage was going to suck unless they got back to their "roots", which is completely opposite of how I think a band show progress with their sound. Truth be told, Opeth pretty much ran that whole progressive death metal shtick into the ground. I think my issue with them changing stylistically was the fact that I haven't really experienced a band I loved that much who made a style change and didn't end up blowing as a result. And now having typed that Metallica came to mind, so that's two bands that went through style changes in my lifetime that I absolutely loved. Perhaps that's why I was worried because they're fucking horrible now. :(

Anyway, long story short, after experiencing the whole album multiple times with a completely open mind I have come to the conclusion that this album is absolutely amazing. My one beef with this album, and with the band now in general, is ever since Akesson joined and basically took over lead guitars and solos, the solos themselves have become more forgettable and "typical" if you will. I really wish Mikael would write the solos because he was amazing at coming up with leads and shit.

But anyway, tl;dr version: This album kicks ass 9/10, would bang again.
Checked out that Ihsahn record and wasnt too impressed...Is there any others of his that I should give a listen to or are they of the similar vein?

"After" and "Eremita" are quite similar, but the earlier two are not as progressive - no horns/sax and more symphonic metal influenced. They're all unmistakably Ihsahn so you may not like the earlier ones either.

Ihsahn's latest is currently my favourite release this year methinks...

I love Ihsahn's first three albums but this one just didn't do it for me. It has it's moments but overall I would consider it a step down from his previous material.

*heritage thangs*

But anyway, tl;dr version: This album kicks ass 9/10, would bang again.

While I do enjoy more songs on it than I did initially, I still that after Watershed, its their worst. And I'm much more butthurt over the fact that their recents have sucked donkey cock with the lack of classic songs. Sure a song like Haxprocess is great on record when youre alone and feeling your feelings, but shit like that is boring as fuck live.
While I do enjoy more songs on it than I did initially, I still that after Watershed, its their worst. And I'm much more butthurt over the fact that their recents have sucked donkey cock with the lack of classic songs. Sure a song like Haxprocess is great on record when youre alone and feeling your feelings, but shit like that is boring as fuck live.

I see. Well, as a whole I think Heritage blows Watershed out of the water imo. If I were to rank their albums now though it'd look something like this:

1) Still Life, fuckin duh?
2a,b,c) Ghost Reveries, Deliverance, Blackwater Park
3) My Arms, Your Hearse
4) Heritage
5) Damnation
6) Morningrise
7) Watershed
8) Orchid
While I do enjoy more songs on it than I did initially, I still that after Watershed, its their worst. And I'm much more butthurt over the fact that their recents have sucked donkey cock with the lack of classic songs. Sure a song like Haxprocess is great on record when youre alone and feeling your feelings, but shit like that is boring as fuck live.

IMO if you're aiming for "softer" Opeth, Damnation wins. Hell I kinda wanna call Damnation/Deliverance their high point. Windowpane might be my favorite track of theirs.
I see. Well, as a whole I think Heritage blows Watershed out of the water imo. If I were to rank their albums now though it'd look something like this:

1) Still Life, fuckin duh?
2a,b,c) Ghost Reveries, Deliverance, Blackwater Park
3) My Arms, Your Hearse
4) Heritage
5) Damnation
6) Morningrise
7) Watershed
8) Orchid

If I were to rank Opeth's albums:

1) Morningrise
3) Orchid
4) Blackwater Park
5) the rest of their boring shitty fucking albums, Still Life is the best soporific ever, puts me to sleep in 2 minutes