Albums currently kicking your ass[/img]

So happy this finally saw re-release. got my copy yesterday.

Edit: Also just bought that EIS album on digibook directly from the label. Every once and a while prophecy productions will release a turd, but for the most part they release such good black metal.

The band's name and this album cover had me never giving them a shot. Not bad. Kinda elementary feeling, but has a decent groove to it.
Yeah. I don't mean it as an insult, it's just kinda simplistic. Probably gotta be in the right mood for it.

Meanwhile, we have... The Codex Necro

If there's a more viscerally shredding black metal album I've yet to hear it.
Yeah, it's probably my third favorite after the S/T and Psalm 9. I mean, the transition in sound between them is even pretty apparent, with both some really heavy and menacing tunes that wouldn't be out of place at all on the first two, to Tuesday's Child which is total stoner metal bliss, and everything in between.
Schwärzung;10464349 said:
^ So fucking good. AN are definitely in my top 10 favourite artists.


'cause you know they'd have us in fucking chains! Chains!

"I think I'm a Wolf, then I'm fuckin' Crazy,
I think what I need is a Bitch, don't you?"

Wrong album, but equally awesome/stupid lyrics.
Went through it three times yesterday, definitely some of the best this year for me. Fuck it, might as well give it another.


One of the ultimate why-the-fuck-do-people-ignore-this-one albums imo.
Yep, first four Trouble albums is just some of the best doom ever made. They need to reissue the S/T though.