Albums currently kicking your ass

fuck all you haters. Darkthrone still had it for this

Darkthrone were good right up until Sardonic Wrath and I don't know how anyone could see otherwise.
YES. Ordered Stoned last week, what can I expect?

Oh, and an old classic is on the turntable:
Schwärzung;10462869 said:
YES. Ordered Stoned last week, what can I expect?

Stoned is cleaner and more polished. It's a little different, but just as good as far as I'm concerned.
Stoned is cleaner and more polished. It's a little different, but just as good as far as I'm concerned.

Yeah I'd say Stoned is on equal ground. Some days I prefer either which record. Same over all concept, Stoned just happens to focus a bit more on hooks, (maybe) grooves, lacks Lasse at vocals, and has a different approach tone and production wise. Maybe a bit more blatant with their tongue in cheek factors as well.
I'm not sure what kind of mood you have to be in to properly enjoy Death - Pierce Me but I'm sure I've never found it before. As soon as that god awful WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH hits on the first track I want to turn it off. I've tried at least ten times to listen to it and usually dont make it past Sterile Nails and Thunderbowels.


So happy this finally saw re-release. got my copy yesterday.

Edit: Also just bought that EIS album on digibook directly from the label. Every once and a while prophecy productions will release a turd, but for the most part they release such good black metal.

^ lolvagina.


I love Mabool and OrWarrior but they really had an amazing sound with the first 2 albums, wish they would do more stuff like it.