Albums currently kicking your ass

Still Life is the best soporific ever, puts me to sleep in 2 minutes

I see. Well, as a whole I think Heritage blows Watershed out of the water imo. If I were to rank their albums now though it'd look something like this:

1) Still Life, fuckin duh?
2a,b,c) Ghost Reveries, Deliverance, Blackwater Park
3) My Arms, Your Hearse
4) Heritage
5) Damnation
6) Morningrise
7) Watershed
8) Orchid

Serioiusly? Orchid last? Wow. And Morningrise not too far infront of it? Fail.

MAYH and Morningrise ftw. Heritage blows.

Hertigage is a great fucking album if you can take it for what it is, and not what you think it should be. I was fucking beyond irate when they toured that album...All they paid was slow shit, NOTHING even remotely aggressive...But looking back, it was a stand up show, with stand up material...
Serioiusly? Orchid last? Wow. And Morningrise not too far infront of it? Fail.

Hertigage is a great fucking album if you can take it for what it is, and not what you think it should be. I was fucking beyond irate when they toured that album...All they paid was slow shit, NOTHING even remotely aggressive...But looking back, it was a stand up show, with stand up material...

Ya man, Orchid and parts of Morningrise are just downright bad and cringe-worthy at times.

Err... what? How does it make no sense. Perhaps I should've added Blackwater Park to the boring as fuck list. But it wasn't quite as bad as Still Life or the nonsense that came after. Steven Wilson is a musical cancer, everything he touches becomes boring as fuck.

lol ok
Hell I kinda wanna call Damnation/Deliverance their high point.

I think so too, Damnation/Deliverance are their best imo, Deliverance in particular is my favorite Opeth album. Heritage on the other hand...frankly there is not a single song I actually love from that album.
Serioiusly? Orchid last? Wow. And Morningrise not too far infront of it? Fail.

Hertigage is a great fucking album if you can take it for what it is, and not what you think it should be. I was fucking beyond irate when they toured that album...All they paid was slow shit, NOTHING even remotely aggressive...But looking back, it was a stand up show, with stand up material...
I'm not a fan of prog death bands trying to sound like 70's prog rock bands and failing miserably... I would much rather listen to pink floyds animals then heritage but that's just me.
I think so too, Damnation/Deliverance are their best imo, Deliverance in particular is my favorite Opeth album. Heritage on the other hand...frankly there is not a single song I actually love from that album.

Now, as far as kickass albums goes...Kimbra has been kicking my ass over the last couple of weeks:

No offense man but I really don't think that kind of music belongs here at all, after listening to the first song I would love for this singer to stfu and get back to the kitchen and make me a goddamn sandwich.
I'm not a fan of prog death bands trying to sound like 70's prog rock bands and failing miserably... I would much rather listen to pink floyds animals then heritage but that's just me.

Dude, I could say I'd rather listen to Animals when it comes to just about any other album in existence. You're doing the opposite of what KafkaX said, which is having the mindset that a death metal band tried making a prog rock album and thinking it sucks. If you just listen to the album as a collection of music then you'll hear it different. You know, open mind and whatnot.
Dude, I could say I'd rather listen to Animals when it comes to just about any other album in existence. You're doing the opposite of what KafkaX said, which is having the mindset that a death metal band tried making a prog rock album and thinking it sucks. If you just listen to the album as a collection of music then you'll hear it different. You know, open mind and whatnot.

Its boring, period, its would't matter if it was another goddamn pink floyd or porcupine tree album its still boring as fuck.

Ok, say i'm a Metallica fan but hate everything after the black album does that make me not open minded?

...But anyway, tl;dr version: This album kicks ass 9/10, would bang again.

I pretty much agree with everything you said - this album is a real grower that takes time and repeated listens to appreciate it. But, as evidenced by the recent posts, it's very different to "old" Opeth and too much of a change for many people.

Personally I rate Watershed their best - the right mix of lighter and heavier songs, growl and clean vocals. And "Burden" kicks arse, especially the solos. Heritage is very good but I don't think all the songwriting fits together too well - sometimes there's too many stops and starts that aren't in the right place. But I'm eagerly looking forward to their next album.

(np) ->

Hmmm, Heritage is the ONLY Opeth album that I consider bad. It has several cool parts and ideas strewn throughout but my God the songwriting is terrible. So many stop-starts in every song that do not fit together and sound completely different. I personally don't see how anybody can find that acceptable or not be completely disengaged from the flow of the album. I'll have to give it more quality time in the future, but I'm skeptical at best.

The pinnacle of modern doom for me, along with a few others.


Calling a band "underrated" over the internet is highly overused, but I think Count Raven actually are. The sense of despair and sorrow infused in much of their material is matched by few, and stuff like "True Revelation" and "A Devastating Age" are some of the genre's best songs I've heard. Mammon's War is fantastic as well, I need to check out the others still.


Negative Plane - Stained Glass Revelations


Reveal - Nocturne of Eyes and Teeth
A strange amalgamation of black metal like Master's Hammer and old Bathory, but also at times reminds one of....The Doors? Highly recommended.
One of my all-time favorites. Any word on a follow-up yet or is that project defunct?
Not sure, Metal-Archives still says he's active but I haven't heard any word of a follow-up yet. :( I'd love an LP in the style of TheStarsAreDeadNow, such an awesome EP but it ends before you really get into it.


Fuck those who say they lost it after Forest of Equilibrium. This is groovy as fuck and has some really memorable tracks.
We need to separate "underrated" and "under-known". Most bands we talk about as "underrated" aren't. They're just not well known. Big difference.
We need to separate "underrated" and "under-known". Most bands we talk about as "underrated" aren't. They're just not well known. Big difference.
Not really, "underrated" and "under-known are same thing, except I have never heard anyone say under-known. Underrated basically means that something doesn't get the attention it deserves, which is usually the same thing as popularity...
so uh, I guess this isn't out yet? But I'm listening to it and it's pretty awesome.

Krisiun - Arise from Blackness