Albums currently kicking your ass

Fuck me sideways.
Edit: I feel like I should mention the post rock influence shouldnt scare you off. It's at a minimal and the album is fucking dark and heavy throughout.

Anyone scared off by the "post" label needs to pull their head out of their ass. Post has some amazing artists, and I've been burning through 'em like crazy lately.
I think the backlash against the "post" label is that it is too ubiquitous and has become a somewhat meaningless umbrella term for anything hard to categorize that seemingly belongs to a popular genre. I'm also somewhat averse to giving the "post" label to anything that simply has that epic build style sound to it such as Neurosis.

I have nothing against the sound itself. Post rock become a bit dull for a while though due to all the copycats and imitators such as Explosions in the Sky.
Truth. But I do think that the post label used for that "epic build style" sound is appropriate, because there really are a lot of bands doing that and a lot of them are difficult to categorize otherwise.

BTW, speaking of Neurosis, right now Latitudes is my pick for heirs to their throne.
Oh shit, that's right. They had an album this year. I was still thinking they went silent after Given to the Rising.