Albums currently kicking your ass


Sigur Ros - Agaetis Byrjun

What a beautiful masterpiece this one is...Now, I know this isnt metal or ass kicking, BUT it is a phenomenal piece of music thats totally worth being mentioned.
It's not that bad, only listenable release from Sigur Ros, but MAN that dude's voice is just godawfully annoying. They should've been an instrumental band, they might've actually been good that way. But with that helium voice sounding motherfucker, they are just painful to my ears. He has one of the top 10 worst voices I've ever heard.
I saw Sigur Ros playing () live. The only concert I've ever fallen asleep in. Didn't help that it was a concert with seating, but MAN that was a boring show. Agaetis Byrjun was better because the songs actually had dynamics. () was a lot more monotonous and is, to this day, the most pretentious album I've ever heard.
Booo! No Youtube video/song sample? :mad:

I think I like () so much because I took some really weird drug while I listened to it and I imagined I was hearing the sounds of angels talking to me and that my friend was the goddess of the world and her tits the source of all life...
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As much as I like The Supreme Force of Eternity, prefere Enter The Realm of Death and Resurrection in Blood. I'm only about half way into Runemagick's discography so far. Great band. After I listen to an album want to hear more.
As much as I like The Supreme Force of Eternity, prefere Enter The Realm of Death and Resurrection in Blood. I'm only about half way into Runemagick's discography so far. Great band. After I listen to an album want to hear more.

They're definitely one of my favorite bands, I own almost all of their albums and really enjoy them. The best are the three first, but the later doomish stuff sounds great as well.

This is kicking my ass right now:

Patria - Liturgia Haeresis


Pretty sure this never got the attention it should have because of the label it was released on. Swirling portal-esque death metal mixed some neurosis feeling post whatever you want to call it.
Edit: I feel like I should mention the post rock influence shouldnt scare you off. It's at a minimal and the album is fucking dark and heavy throughout.

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