Albums currently kicking your ass

Might as well contribute.

Amenra - Mass III + Mass IIII

Wow. Just, wow.

EDIT: Seriously I ain't even kidding, this is one of the darkest albums I've ever pieced through. Even if it's slower moments are dripping with bile.

Weird ass album. Starts off with a 14 minute acoustic intro with some spoken word weirdness then when the second track starts, finally the pounding sludge/death/blackness begins.

Its Dragged Into Sunlight - Widowmaker, in case you were wondering.


Fucking monolithic band. Cant wait til Mass V comes out in a few weeks. :kickass:


Weird ass album. Starts off with a 14 minute acoustic intro with some spoken word weirdness then when the second track starts, finally the pounding sludge/death/blackness begins.

Im lovin this album too. Not sure how I feel about it when stacked up against Hatred For Mankind, I need to spin it a few more times...But regardless its a filthy fucking album.

When I first heard this album I couldnt get into it, but time has ripened and I can see it for what it is...A fucking colossal album.

If you dumped me on an island and told me I could only take five albums, HiNCB would definitely be on there.

Hey, did someone say POST?

Omega Massif - Karpatia

Year of No Light - Ausserwelt

Transmission0 - Memory of a Dream

Latitudes - Agonist

Yes, I've been listening to all four in the past day or so. I have a looooooong commute to work. And these things are pretty fucking stellar.
It's not a terrible album, just really... middle of the road for most tracks. Stargasm is great, but I can take a pass on most of it.

I miss Remission-Leviathan Mastodon. :/

They really should have just disappeared off the face of the earth after making this album, would have been awesome.

I can't wrap my head around how they could write this and then all their other albums be so lacklustre in comparison...

Sigur Ros - Agaetis Byrjun

What a beautiful masterpiece this one is...Now, I know this isnt metal or ass kicking, BUT it is a phenomenal piece of music thats totally worth being mentioned.
It's not that bad, only listenable release from Sigur Ros, but MAN that dude's voice is just godawfully annoying. They should've been an instrumental band, they might've actually been good that way. But with that helium voice sounding motherfucker, they are just painful to my ears. He has one of the top 10 worst voices I've ever heard.