Albums currently kicking your ass


It's not that I constantly troll, tnb is just like the passed out drunk, naked girl laying on your bed at a party. You know you probably shouldnt... but jeezus christ it's easy.
Beneath Oblivion - From Man to Dust

EDIT: This album ain't even right, y'all. 75min, so it's a long haul, but fuck it's the most abrasive doom/sludge I've heard yet. Slow, sure, but not dragging. Lumbering, yes. And the vocals. Dear lord the vocals.
I'm really all about slower, plodding metal these days so shit like that gives me a huge doomboner, LOL. I suspect in a couple weeks I'll be back to deathgrind and whatnot so that album will just be boring and lame to me, LOL.
I'm really all about slower, plodding metal these days so shit like that gives me a huge doomboner, LOL. I suspect in a couple weeks I'll be back to deathgrind and whatnot so that album will just be boring and lame to me, LOL.

Hah, I have weird fazes, one day it will be all about brutal death metal and deathgrind and then the next day symphonic black metal. It just never ends.

"doomboner" made me lol.
I think that's cause of this site and others like it.

Back in the day finding new music was tough. You'd run to the store, maybe if you were lucky you could find something worth buying, and so you listened to it until the tape warped or the CD had too many scratches on it.

Now with Spotify, torrents, and all the other stuff we have going, it's not hard to just saturate yourself in every album there is in a given sound. So maybe I'll be on a goregrind kick and I'll fire up Spotify and listen to every goregrind album they have. They're short, so it doesn't take long before I've heard 'em all. Then I can either revisit them or, more likely, I've listened to so much I'm ready to move on to something new.

So then I spend a while in, say, black metal. Get bored with that and hop on over to brutal death (that was my more recent sound before all the post/doom/hardcore). And so on until I loop back around and by then there's new stuff to check out!
Yes, I admit, I checked this album out because it has members of Gaza in it. I'm a fanboy. Deal.

Bird Eater - Utah
How does that stack up to their classic material? Reviews seem pretty good so far.

Actually, I still need to listen to a lot of their stuff. I haven't looked much into Incantation up until recently. I listened to a couple of songs off of this most recent album and really liked them. From what I HAVE heard of their older material, this newest one stacks up well. It's got a lot of doom-style shit going on too, I'm liking that a lot as well
Nice. Incantation's one of the rare bands where it really doesn't matter what album you start with. I'd say Diabolical Conquest or Onward to Golgotha are generally the "favorites", though.
Nice. Incantation's one of the rare bands where it really doesn't matter what album you start with. I'd say start with Diabolical Conquest or Onward Toward Golgotha, though.

Good to know. Yeah, I've listened to stuff mainly off of Onward to Golgotha. Good shit right there :kickass:
Pretty boring imo, i'm sure you would like it though...

I'll take that as a compliment, LOL.

20sec into the first song and yep. I'm sold. Definite EOTY list material.

I'd argue it's not as "burly" as their oldest material, which might be a production thing, but it's by no means worse. Just different.