Albums currently kicking your ass


Don't know how I missed this one.


So good. The only thing that's lacking with Immolation is a good lyrical topic. I get the feeling of flying through space but they always have to ground me by singing about Jesus.
They're boring as shit compared to the music, all about how God doesn't exist. The music is so obscure and otherwordly that it deserves something more original.

That pretty much goes with all death metal, unless you would prefer them singing about pulling cumfilled fetuses out of dead hookers covered in bbq sauce.
I think its perfect. They are blasphemous and catchy as hell:

I can not force the blood of christ to flow through me...
God is love and his love is dead...

They were one of the first death metal bands I got into when I was like 15, and furthermore one of the first bands I actually started paying attention to their lyrics. So maybe they hit a nostalgic sweet spot...Granted their content might be a bit over played in comparison to all the genres that fall under the metal umbrella, but I fucking love it.
So? Do you guys really care what a brutal death metal band is singing about? That's pretty stupid, if you care about the lyrics so much go listen to fucking country.

I don't care what brutal death metal bands sing about because their music is terrible anyway and their lyrics are almost exclusively terrible. Only complete and utter fools simply disregard lyrics and "just listen to the tunes, man".
That pretty much goes with all death metal, unless you would prefer them singing about pulling cumfilled fetuses out of dead hookers covered in bbq sauce.

I'm not talking about all death metal, I'm talking about Immolation. Besides, I don't know what you're talking about. There's tons of death metal bands that have other more interesting topics than gore or Anti-Christianity: Atheist (ironically), Pestilence, Celtic Frost, Therion, Wicked Innocence, Nocturnus, Demilich, Cianide..