Albums currently kicking your ass

I didn't mean to imply that you had to be stupid to enjoy it, but even people that are huge fans of the style like V5 and cookiecutter (who never posts any more) acknowledge that a general lack of intelligence runs rampant amongst both fans and musicians, as well as labels and distros, that specialize in the music. But obviously you don't have to be stupid to enjoy it.
I haven't met hardly anyone who enjoys say, Hour of Penance, outside of this forum. Within this forum it's still an extreme minority. Kind of hard to form a group judgement with little to no group to observe.

On the other hand, the group which enjoys heavy metal is quite large, and I would argue fits your description much better.
So now my anecdotal observations have to be limited to your open personal experiences? That's kind of absurd. And "heavy metal" is dysfunctionally vague.
Overly gory, violent, perverse and blasphemous lyrics still have their place. Largely in an escapist viewpoint where one can vent and thrive in the primal adrenaline rush such can provide. That said, there can be well written examples of such, and absolute gutter trash examples. When it comes to brutal death and slam it falls into the gutter trash category more often than not. It's pretty hard to argue that, even from a subjective viewpoint.

As for the lyrics not meaning anything, I don't know about some of you guys, but any music that actually sticks with me which has lyrical content...I familiarize myself with those lyrics, to the point that even with the most perverse growls, it is recognizable to me. For the same reasons I stated above, it is therefore important for the material to be at least semi well written to effectively enhance those feelings.

The only exception's I have with this are a select few acts that sing in a foreign tongue i'm not fluent in. However in the majority of those cases the music is of the atmospheric variety, and thrives off of different qualities.

Might be their softest album, but who cares? Andi Deris is, was and will forever be the best Helloween vocalist.
I noticed that someone posted Immolation's "Wolf Among the Flock." Yes, those are some killer lyrics, but the whole fucking album (Unholy Cult) is killer! This album gets passed up a lot it seems, but I personally think it is their best outing. All of the songs on it are superb.


Folkish black metal with pinches of DSBM? Yeahhh....At times the folk element is a bit much for me, but the album as a whole is fucking awesome so whatever, it works. Curious how their new album compares.

Sunn 0))) - Oracle

This style doesnt get too enough praise, but holy fuck, this is a truly dark and haunting piece of work right here. Stoked to finally catch these guys live in a little over a week.
Fuck Rush, I figure they used that name because instantly as someone heard their music they instantly rushed away.

This is the single worst thing you've ever posted.


Gritty old death thrash. These guys apparently really loved their thrash... you can just feel slayer and sodom through these columbians version of death metal.
I haven't heard the new Master yet, but their last two before it have been great, aside from some gay breakdowns on the last one. For some reason I've yet to listen to Masacre even though I've known about them for like a decade.