Albums currently kicking your ass

I don't care what brutal death metal bands sing about because their music is terrible anyway and their lyrics are almost exclusively terrible. Only complete and utter fools simply disregard lyrics and "just listen to the tunes, man".

Go listen to Air Supply then
You honor me by displaying that quote of mine in your signature. It's a sad commentary on the state of this forum that what I said would be met with derision. The average userbase of this forum is woefully depleted and is now populated by naive children throwing temper tantrums who are ignorant of the historical legacy of the music they listen to.
You honor me by displaying that quote of mine in your signature. It's a sad commentary on the state of this forum that what I said would be met with derision. The average userbase of this forum is woefully depleted and is now populated by naive children throwing temper tantrums who are ignorant of the historical legacy of the music they listen to.

That's good to know.

I only put it there because my favorite music is brutal death metal and I don't see how lyrics matter with that type of music at all, yes they fit the music if their gory but you can't understand anything their saying 99% of the time and its not like i'm going open the description on youtube and read the lyrics of the video like some fucking 12 year old twat that wants to sing along to his favorite rap song.
You are aware that there's no correlation between being able to understand lyrics and how much meaning the lyrics give to a song, right? Almost every metal band in existence prints the lyrics to their songs in their album booklets. You can read them and understand the purpose of the song. But from your last comment it doesn't sound like you buy music either.
So? Do you guys really care what a brutal death metal band is singing about? That's pretty stupid, if you care about the lyrics so much go listen to fucking country.

To me, brutal death is about raw sound. Not lyrics, not messages, the vocals only exist in this type of music to serve as another means of aggressive sounding instrumentation, not to tell a story or communicate lyrics.
Lyrical content is a huge factor in most of the metal im listening too. Great lyrical content can make a good song great and add tons of depth. Its like a mental instrument. Not as important in brutal death metal or grindcore as in many other sub-genres, but thats the reason why I`ll never gonna take those genres very seriously either. Stupid music for stupid people I guess.

To me, brutal death is about raw sound. Not lyrics, not messages, the vocals only exist in this type of music to serve as another means of aggressive sounding instrumentation, not to tell a story or communicate lyrics.

In fairness, brutal/slam death metal is the absolute lowest common denominator within the entire spectrum of artistic expression in heavy metal. It's complete knuckle-dragging, neanderthalic, mindless music. And yet even this style of metal has lyrics that express its 'ideology', so to speak.
Immolation gots some killer anti-christian lyrics. Much more intelligent and less childish then the way most black metal/death metal bands do it.

Immolation - Wolf Among The Flock:
I am the one...leader of promise
Stalking lost souls
Rabid for the taste of faith

Pull you close to me...I will make you see
Spit my fears into your hearts
Feed your minds with my disease

I'll make them doubt themselves
I'll make you loathe yourself

I am the one...creature of moves
Sending my pack out into the world
Those loyal to me grow like a plague

They'll bow in praise of me...they will be slaves to me
I will bring them to their knees
Devoured soul by soul

I'll make them light for me
I'll make them die for me

You'll feed me your young and I take them with pride
I'll offer you some guilt and a lifetime of lies
Let me tease you with wonders and surround you with me
For I shall be your life, and your life shall be for me

I'm your world, I'm your light, I am all the answers you seek
You'll walk throughout your empty lives, but never challenge me
For I am god, I am every God, I'm whatever you wish of me
I'm the beast you've created, and I'm the beast you'll serve

Puts the anger of the whole song into perspective, then just random aggression with zero content to back it up.
In fairness, brutal/slam death metal is the absolute lowest common denominator within the entire spectrum of artistic expression in heavy metal. It's complete knuckle-dragging, neanderthalic, mindless music. And yet even this style of metal has lyrics that express its 'ideology', so to speak.

What about technical death metal? Lyrics aren't the only thing showing how expressive artists are, most brutal/technical death metal is based around the guitar/drums and as balls said, the vocals are just another instrument.

I agree when you say most lyrics in brutal/slam death metal are stupid, but Dying Fetus have pretty interesting stuff. Maybe that's why their the most popular band in the entire genre.
In fairness, brutal/slam death metal is the absolute lowest common denominator within the entire spectrum of artistic expression in heavy metal. It's complete knuckle-dragging, neanderthalic, mindless music. And yet even this style of metal has lyrics that express its 'ideology', so to speak.

This is true and I can see that. But again, it's about the aggressive sound. And yes, the lyrics might express their ideology in some way, but they're for shock value. Fuck, what meaning does slicing a girls throat then shoving shit in her mouth convey? Nothing at all....just to shock.

Like most metalheads, I like more than one genre. I'll listen to a progressive metal band and take in the lyrics and then next I'll listen to brutal death for the pure sound.
"Just to shock" is not "nothing at all", so you just answered your own question.


Antediluvian - Watchers' Reign

In fairness, brutal/slam death metal is the absolute lowest common denominator within the entire spectrum of artistic expression in heavy metal. It's complete knuckle-dragging, neanderthalic, mindless music. And yet even this style of metal has lyrics that express its 'ideology', so to speak.

Calling it lowest common denominator is way off. If that were true, it'd be the metal equivalent of pop music. The phrase "lowest common denominator" refers to anything that hits a sound which the greatest number of people will enjoy and consume. Commercialized radio-metal bands are lowest common denominator.

Brutal/slam is as far from that as you can get. How many people actually listen to this stuff? Outside of ultra-drone or high-speed goregrind bands, BDM is about as inaccessible as metal gets. The lyrics are unintelligible, the sound itself a wall of atonal riffs, and the imagery absurdly gory. It's NOT geared to appeal to the masses.

It is, of course, primitive and aims right for the reptilian brain, but that's not a knock against it, it's a stylistic choice, and one that takes work to do right.
I thought it was pretty clear that I meant it appealed to the lowest common denominator with regards to intelligence.
No because that's massively insulting to the listeners. As if the only reason someone would enjoy Vulvectomy or Abnormity is that they're just not smart enough for other shit.

It's not "stupid", it's primitive. There's a huge difference.