Albums currently kicking your ass

Hypatia Lake - Ourobos. It is, in fact, not nice and stonery at all. More like hippie jam rock with way too much reverb on the vocals.

It's more like a new interpretation of Hawkwind, I'd say there's a good deal of stoner to it, though I guess that depends on your definition. But yeah; primarily heavy psych/space rock.

Still sounds right up my alley, gotta check em out fo sho.

This album is the only thing to bring me some sort of solace in this shitty ass fucking day. Seriously want everything around me to die and this never fails to fuel my fire.
That album dude. I wasn't prepared. The cover art made me think it'd be some morose melo-death/doom, and what I got was a hell of a lot more intense.

Martyrdod - Paranoia