Albums currently kicking your ass

Fuck yeah. It's one of those albums where if someone said "when you say heavy, what do you mean?" I'd just hand that to them. There it is. Heavy defined.

I agree, and the crazy thing is, their first two albums are even heavier.
It's just so fucking "weighty". The whole album lumbers along like a Greek Titan woken up from a centuries-long sleep. It doesn't bust your skull in like a Benighted or The Secret, but put it on some good speakers and it'll just steamroll over you.
I fucking love it when Spotify gives me a kickass recommendation.

Stoneburner - Sickness Will Pass

Apparently the bassist/vocalist is the son of the main guy in Neurosis, but I wouldn't say these guys play the same kind of music. There are some post-y bits, but it's more like a sludge album that's been sitting in a cold basement.
Black Shape of Nexus - b.son

I can't get into drone/funeral, but I do love me some sludge/stoner doom.

The Ruins of Beverast - Foulest Semen of a Sheltered Elite
What a unique gem. I can't think of any other band that sounds like this.


Battleroar - To Death and Beyond...
Power/Traditional Heavy Metal done right, with balls.


Another Nemtheanga vocal performance for the ages. This makes me want to watch Taxi Driver.