Albums currently kicking your ass

Yep, I said the same a while back and some people got all pissy about it.

It gets worse when the picture they put up it hotlinked from metal-archives or something so the url is just this:

Well great, I can't read the logo, and the URL is just numbers. Guess I'm not checking that album out. Okay, sure, I can copy and paste the URL into google, but that's a pain in the dick. The poster knows the name/album, just put it in there.

Even better is when the image gets deleted off the site it was linked from or the page goes offline, so there's just this X'd out box and now I have no idea what the fuck it was. That's why even when the artist/album are super obvious I still write 'em out on my posts.

If anyone wants to know what any of my recent posts were, just ask :lol:
FUCKING Wampyric Bloodlust - Reborn.

Bought the new October Falls album The Plague of a Coming Age today, and am really digging it. Giving it another listen now. I swear some bands can do no wrong and they are really one of them!

Mouth of the Architect is a great band. I remember one of the junior producers for our album told us that he was really excited to have a local band passing the 10 minute mark on their songs, because Quietly was his favorite album of all time.
Stupid question but what is the difference between this and the "np" thread?

Difference is you post Albums that are currently kicking your ass in this thread. Not everything someone listens to kicks ass or is kicking their ass, which is why they might post it in the np thread because they are just listening to it. I think that is what the difference is.