Albums currently kicking your ass

Yes. Although Tomb and Gore Obssessed are right up there. And I've never heard of Cancer. What do they sound like? Looks a lil old, so I may just enjoy them.

They play death metal, and hmm I'd probably say they were like Morbid Angel... listen for yourself:


I definitely recommend To the Gory End and Death Shall Rise to any old school death metal fan.
Well ive been listening to these albums most latley


Destroyer 666-Phoenix Rising

Amon Amarth-Twilight of the Thunder God

And I might catch alot of shit for this but
Whitechapel-This is Exile
I've been enjoying these lately:

SAM - Destruction Unit
Nachtmahr - Feuer Frei!
Aesthetic Perfection - A Violent Emotion
GPKISM - Sublimis (EP)
Dead Congregation - Graves of the Archangels

This is some fucking kickass heavy metal. A good introduction to the bands older material


Kickass thrash

this album is so different from the first two. it's armored saint's first true metal album. it's dark and very well written. even throwing a cover early doesn't hurt it. great version of 38 special. by far their best. just my 2 cents

i don't know the coroner album