Albums currently kicking your ass

I have Scenes and True Obsessions and neither is close to the speed metal side of guitar wizardry stuff IIRC. Probably should check that one out then.
Violent Dirge - Elapse. Forgotten, but frankly, this kills most of other European material from 90s.



Violent Dirge - Elapse. Forgotten, but frankly, this kills most of other European material from 90s.



I remember downloading that quite a while ago because of Atheist comparisons, but I don't remember liking it at the time, although IIRC I was more picky about production values at the time as well. I should give it another shot.
I remember downloading that quite a while ago because of Atheist comparisons, but I don't remember liking it at the time, although IIRC I was more picky about production values at the time as well. I should give it another shot.

Yesterday I saw a different band compared to Atheist - czech Scenery. You might like it if you're into this type of stuff.

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I'm already familiar with that Scenery album, but it's kind of what I had in mind wrt Violent Dirge but more polished. Def good stuff.
I'm already familiar with that Scenery album, but it's kind of what I had in mind wrt Violent Dirge but more polished. Def good stuff.

First Violent Dirge album is way dirtier which I personally prefer. The bass there is so gurgly but it works. This is technical death metal before wanky faggotry infiltrated the genre imo.

(Not sure about the sound quality of this clip tbh, but yeah.)

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