Albums currently kicking your ass

Finally bothered to listen. Did not disappoint.

Edit: Mort, what album/artist is that?

That Scenery song was killer. I'll have to try them out!

Vlad Tepes/Belketre - March to the Black Holocaust you don't like BM if you don't like this album

Alright I'm falling in love with this album. Fucking awesome epic black metal without any pagan bullshit. Just thick fucking heavy sound. And this guy released a new album this year too which I haven't heard yet.


EDIT: It's Ruins of Beverast btw, before someone bitches.
Alright I'm falling in love with this album. Fucking awesome epic black metal without any pagan bullshit. Just thick fucking heavy sound. And this guy released a new album this year too which I haven't heard yet.

That's because it's technically not been released yet.
I still haven't heard any of their albums in full, but what I have heard from Foulest Semen... and the new one sound great, and I usually don't care for black metal.


It'd be kicking my ass a bit less if it hadn't been a while since last listening to it, but still really solid stuff. Algy Ward has/had (not familiar with his new Tank) one of the manliest voices in metal.