Albums currently kicking your ass

the symphonics were over the top in a way that makes therion come across as tasteful, and if that got stripped away all you'd be left over with is boring by the numbers modern death metal

not a good recipe for success - at least not with what i look for in death metal
Pretty strong gimmick band as far as I'm concerned. Didn't give a shit about their past albums, why should I start now? Death metal and symphonics aren't "original" or "innovative" either.
Who gives a fuck? "Over the top" on symphonic is like, your opinion man. It's an increase from the last album and I thought it was done well. This "gimmick" attack on various bands is complete bullshit, everything in music can be construed as a "gimmick".
Who gives a fuck? "Over the top" on symphonic is like, your opinion man. It's an increase from the last album and I thought it was done well. This "gimmick" attack on various bands is complete bullshit, everything in music can be construed as a "gimmick".

Yes, this is absolutely true.

On the album though, yes mixing symphonic elements and metal isn't the most original idea. But it's so well executed and fits with the brutality of that album like a glove.

Can't get enough of it.
Nice cop-out braj.

Please do show a copout. To begin with, if a person doesn't like symphonic elements, or doesn't like them in their death metal cereal, that's fine. But then don't bother commenting on it. Especially referring to those elements as "gimmicky". I could levy the same charge at "playing super fast", playing super slow, distortion, odd and/or extreme vocals, etc etc etc etc etc.
Please do show a copout. To begin with, if a person doesn't like symphonic elements, or doesn't like them in their death metal cereal, that's fine. But then don't bother commenting on it. Especially referring to those elements as "gimmicky". I could levy the same charge at "playing super fast", playing super slow, distortion, odd and/or extreme vocals, etc etc etc etc etc.

The weapon of preference against the yoda is to bring up the fact not all bands can be signed to SKR.

So what's that album compared to the others? The debut is my favorite, given the brutal death metal side. After that, the second album dumped the bdm sound for something more like blackened death and to me they just aren't as good as Septicflesh in their second album form.
I saw them live recently, and their sound was godawful. The guitars were all muddled and all you heard were the symphonic sounds. I want to like Fleshgod Apocalypse, but I'm afraid their death metal isn't on par with their symphonies at all.

Forgot how much I loved this album: