Albums currently kicking your ass


Badass doom band. Fans of Orodruin, Reverend Bizarre, and Blood Farmers should take note.


Well, this is shaping up to be a great release. With Countess's new album, Pagan Black Metal is looking nice this year. Now, if only Graveland pumped something out this year.
I've listened to this multiple times the last few days. Comin across a lot of new psychadelic stoner stuff lately, happy carpe! Check out the track Cosmic Jam for a good idea of it.

Been a while, so I'll try and play catchup with the creme de la creme. These are the albums that, over the past few weeks, really blew my head back.

Godflesh - Decline and Fall

Plebeian Grandstand - Lowgazers (holy shit)

Eryn Non Dae. - Hydra Lernaia

Dying Sun - Transcendence (fuuuuuuuuuck)

Witch of the Waste - All Other Voices

Worsen - Blood

Hope these two live up to their covers.


EDIT: That first one has potential . . . I need to give it a few more listens. Really digging "Blood" right off the bat though.

WotW takes a bit because it's not a "desolate black metal" album like you'd expect from the cover, but it's still gnarly as fuck.

Worsen is a side project from the dudes in Young and in the Way, but it's all black metal, so that should give you an idea what's going on there.

Loving that I Shalt Become, by the way. I'll always takes me some Burzum-inspired atmospheric BM.