Albums currently kicking your ass

Satyricon have never been a favorite but their first three albums are worthwhile. I put off Nemesis Divina for a while but bought it recently and ended up enjoying it.

Oh how I love post-hardcore thats dark as fuck.

Parts of this remind me of Celeste, but, there are a lot of areas for improvement. All in all, stoked on this first full length from these guys. Gonna keep an eye on em.
First two are rawer and better imo, but Master Control is still good stuff. Speaking of "about damn time"...


Forgot that I left something in the lab and had to drive in when I planned on taking Friday off. Figured I'd run by the CD store since I was outside, and instead of being disappointed as usual, I get this and The Holy Empire for $10 plus tax. First listen, been waiting for this moment for a long time.