Albums currently kicking your ass

WTF is this? This album falls more under Albums currently expanding your mind.
Nemesis Devina is cool and stuff, but jesus TB, you have some pretty fucked up tastes if you think anything by Satyricon is one of the greatest black metal albums of all time.

Dude really? It's widely considered one of the best black metal albums from the second wave. I can link countless reviews saying the same thing. Don't know why the fuck you're so surprised.

^yeah, exactly, thus I don't know why they are hated. This one and Dark Medieval Times are really enjoyable.

Shadowthrone is pretty bad ass too, haven't listened to it in a while though. Don't listen to the haters, you already know how it is ... few of the doofuses here like to hate on albums that are already cemented as top notch classics. It's like the new hipster thing to do around here ... nothing new.

Or maybe some of the kids around here hate them because they grew up listening to the garbage Satyricon was putting out while they were hitting puberty? That's like saying saying nothing from Sepultura belong in top thrash discussions because of what they've been putting out for the past 20 years ... lol, morons.
Satyricon is regularly shit on today. They're like the Testament of Norwegian black metal or something. I don't even hate them, but you aren't looking if you're not familiar with the backlash against them.

Did you miss the last part of my post? Would anyone not expect backlash for a band that released three quality albums that are widely respected and then went on to release nothing but garbage for 15 years?

Testament = some of the best thrash metal to come out of the bay area. Two bonafide top notch thrash metal classics.

Exodus = one ho-hum album ... and then went on to release the biggest crapfest of a discography that thrash metal has ever seen.
So where else do i need to be "looking" if most people i know that listen to black metal love that album? More than half of my friends were swept into the whole black metal craze in the 90s, and they used drag me to black metal shows with them(which i fucking hated) too. Just about everyone i met in the scene would have told you that album(and the band as a whole att) is definitely elite. + Not that i really give a shit, but most of the countless number of reviews from the interwebz would also agree with me. So yeah, i dont think i need to be looking elsewhere for obscure opinions.

edit: oh and it's Divina, not devine.

Let it Breath - River Wizard

What am I doing? Listening to non-true stoner doom? Saw these guys back in Minneapolis and was surprised. Great bluesy riffs and enough Blood Farmers in there for me to get excited.
Satyricon have never been a favorite but their first three albums are worthwhile. I put off Nemesis Divina for a while but bought it recently and ended up enjoying it.