Albums currently kicking your ass



Birth A.D. - I Blame You
Wait, there's now debate about Nasty Savage's thrashiness? I don't want to live on this planet anymore

Depends on the album. Indulgence and Penetration Point are pretty much thrash, with a couple diversions. The S/T has some clear trad/USPM elements, in a swaggering early Savatage kind of way.
YOB - Clearing The Path To Ascend

Fantastic album.

Easily their best material. Cant wait to see them in a few months. Ive been talking to Mike and he said that theyve been playing this album in its entirety for their recent shows.

God damn that would be a beastly set.


So good. The energy and passion they play with is what sets it apart. I wish I'd heard this sooner

I checked this out when it first came around because of the art. Didnt really resonate with me, I should try it again and see.