Albums currently kicking your ass


Finally got around to listening to it and already I'm thinking it'll be right up there with his best. Dude's a genius.


Finally got around to listening to it and already I'm thinking it'll be right up there with his best. Dude's a genius.

I need to check out more Wovenhand. I've only heard Blush Music which has some great moments, but I didn't realize initially that it was supposed to be a soundtrack or something, and some of the ambient stuff doesn't really do it for me.

Drunk wrapping Xmas gifts, with this record spinning in the background. Forgot how much I love this extremely talented faggot.

If only this album didnt have Bennie & The Jets on it, it would be perfect in my eyes.

I also secretly hope day I can rock pink sequined platforms like he is on the cover. Such a fuckin badass.
^Definitely on my list to listen to soon then. Right now I'm working on the top 10 OSDM albums.

Honestly plants are metal as fuck. They eat rotting shit (often literally), and live for basically nothing than to reproduce and be eaten by other creatures. Lol. Onder had it right.
Honestly plants are metal as fuck. They eat rotting shit (often literally), and live for basically nothing than to reproduce and be eaten by other creatures. Lol. Onder had it right.

Ha! I'm planting a tasty plant filled garden this coming year. Also planning to start up some Cactus again. I had a shit load of bad ass cactusesesesi in Denver, but I'm curious hiw they do in the more humid and often colder weather of Illinois. Fuck you, corn.

Also, that sounds like it should be coming from Travis Ryan. Ha.
Ha! I'm planting a tasty plant filled garden this coming year. Also planning to start up some Cactus again. I had a shit load of bad ass cactusesesesi in Denver, but I'm curious hiw they do in the more humid and often colder weather of Illinois. Fuck you, corn.

Also, that sounds like it should be coming from Travis Ryan. Ha.

Heh. And nice, I had a pretty successful vegetable garden this year. It's a great hobby. Good luck (no pests and so on), and are you new to it?

I need to check out more Wovenhand. I've only heard Blush Music which has some great moments, but I didn't realize initially that it was supposed to be a soundtrack or something, and some of the ambient stuff doesn't really do it for me.

Yeah man, it's funny because Blush Music is definitely not the album to start with haha. But it's promising that you like some of it. Definitely start with the self-titled, 'Consider the Birds', or 'Mosaic'. Then again, all would be a great place to start, but 'Blush Music' is a little disjointed.
Heh. And nice, I had a pretty successful vegetable garden this year. It's a great hobby. Good luck (no pests and so on), and are you new to it?
Not extremely new. I've had a few and they had mixed results at first, but I am getting pretty comfortable with it. I planted zucchini squash one year not realizing how many I'd get. I had probably 45 in one season. It was ridiculous haha

This, mother fuckers:


Aaaahhhh! Hail Satan!


Basically just have had these albums/eps on replay for over a month. Buy the Sadhak and Night Demon off Bandcamp for like 4 bucks, pretty good stuff. Especially the bonus edition Night Demon, good cover tracks.
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