Albums currently kicking your ass

I can, theyre just super fucking vague.

(I get it, if you could pin point the exact album covers you could find it on your own, just sayin...)

I found em, got lucky on jumping back to page 200, and one was there and the other was on 219.

sleepmakeswaves and The Morningside.

Way better than Leprosy, and I like Leprosy.

Lol, not even close! And even though i've owned a copy of Seven Churches for as long as i can fucking remember, i couldn't give any less of a fuck if i never heard that album again.

I know your a huge possessed fanboi but lets be honest, there isn't a single Death album that Seven Churches tops let alone one of their best ones.
Nokturnal Mortum's Voice of Steel is pretty awesome. First Nazi metal I've ever really listened to (unless I Shalt Become is Nazi . . .). Vaguely a little queasy about it but the album really rips.