Albums currently kicking your ass

I'm actually interested to hear that. I watched a bunch of documentaries and interviews with Dahmer recently. Certainly one of the most messed up serial killers ever. Not that I expect to a new insight into him from a death metal/grindcore act, but still, the concept is interesting and fitting.

I think it is Macabre's best album, and one of the better concept albums in death metal. It takes talent to write a biography about Dahmer's life and set it to death metal/grindcore with small doses of folk/traditional/pop music. Songs like Jeffrey Dahmer and The Chocolate Factory and McDahmers are hilarious, but they fit and they lighten the mood about dark and gruesome topics.

edit: oops sorry, it's metallica - metallica
I'm so over getting shit on vinyl. Yeah, I enjoy it, but god damn is it a pain in the ass to keep those fragile fuckers safe during moves and shit. A good CD is all I need.
Vinyl isnt as fragile as you, and alot of people think it is.

For example, I dropped a record out of its gatefold last week on concrete. No chips, and very minor scratches. Didnt affect playback one bit.
None of my albums are fucked up at all, I just would rather get a CD where I can leave it sitting in my trunk for two winters in 60 below weather and find it, case and all, in excellent shape. Meanwhile, my Chasm Gatefold is already warping, and I basically never even play the fucker.
I'm just saying, in my defense, typing the name in for a band would be more annoying than not doing it, my enter key doesn't work so the page would get increasingly large just like it is now. So fuck you.
I'm over owning CDs. I have like 500 just sitting at my house collecting dust. Doesn't count the hundreds i've bought and sold quickly after. Digital for half the price is awesome, especially if it goes to a band directly via bandcamp instead of a label (cd/vinyl)
Same. I was under 600 about a year ago and now I'm over 700. I really need to whittle it down to like 300 or so CDs that I love and just buy digital because storing cases in an apartment is difficult.