Albums currently kicking your ass

Definitely agree there, he has a fantastic voice. Like I said, huge shoes to fill, but I like that he's doing his own thing rather than trying to replace Layne. He obviously knew that he would never be able to "replace" Layne as such, and I think it's cool that he tries being himself instead of dwelling in the past.
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I think I'd agree, I haven't seen a lot of love for it in the past. It just wasn't as memorable as Transylvania off the first album. If you're going to write an instrumental piece, it has to have some sort of a hook, which wasn't really present on Losfer Words. Steve's bass playing is great as always, which is a redeeming factor for me.
I think I'd agree, I haven't seen a lot of love for it in the past. It just wasn't as memorable as Transylvania off the first album. If you're going to write an instrumental piece, it has to have some sort of a hook, which wasn't really present on Losfer Words. Steve's bass playing is great as always, which is a redeeming factor for me.

Agreed. By no means is it a bad instrumental, I just feel it wrecked the momentum of the record for my own personal taste. I love the album though, regardless. Locked in for years now as a firm second favourite album of mine by the band.

"The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner" is a masterpiece.
Tis amazing, although that's describing Maiden's entire catalogue rather than just that album. The intro riff to Back in the Village is eargasmic, and to top off an album with a track as triumphant as Rime of the Ancient Mariner is one hell of an achievement.
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I'm not too familiar with it, it certainly isn't as strong as their first 5 records but I wouldn't say it's bad. Wasted Years is a great track to be played live, I can't wait to see them finish off with it this coming Friday! What about you?
Like you I'm not as familiar with it, I used to place it above Killers in my tier of preference. Specifically because "Alexander The Great" is such a massive, brilliant piece of heavy metal. I think I need to listen to both soon, back-to-back to put things into perspective.

I don't own any albums after Somewhere In Time though.
I lose interest after Seventh Son personally, although I enjoy Fear of the Dark (the song) and The Book of Souls. I have heard Brave New World is great too, but only know a few songs off it. I should probably give it a listen some time. What do you think of Empire of the Clouds? People are pretty divided on it.