Albums currently kicking your ass

Protectors of the Lair is fucking awesome. There's shit on that album that preempts second wave black metal by several years. Totally batshit speed metal.

And <3 for wainds keeping track of my favorite albums.

I should probably listen to Elixir, cuz it seems like most of the other NWOBHM bands I've heard that promised battles and the occult and shit (Dragonslayer, Incubus, prolly others) always disappointed. I think it's that 1986 release date that scared me. Listening to Treachery and now Star of Beshaan on YouTube, this stuff sounds legit, will listen further.
And <3 for wainds keeping track of my favorite albums.

i actually went to rym and checked but that's arguably more sad so

you're the first person i've seen mention that wicked innocence album in ages. i think i own it somewhere, i'd totally forgotten about it. it's weird shit.

that elixir album is really good also, one of the first NWOBHM albums i ever heard ('cause people used to compare them to satan).