Albums currently kicking your ass


In-crowd sludge, fuck yeah.
What I mean by that is, most sludge fans are very much deep into the style, whereas being into thrash metal doesn't necessarily mean you're deep into the thrash style.
I've always thought of sludge as having a lot of somewhat casual fans (dudes that basically get into metal via Down and shit and stop at Eyehategod or whatever) and then the pasty dudes that walk around on campus with Buzz*oven patches on their jackets and stuff and probably think they're the grimiest people in existence. Not that Buzzov*en is even that obscure. Actually I just realized I don't know anything about sludge fans because I hardly ever see them on my forums, I just know guys that mostly don't like sludge but they regularly worship Acid Bath and Dystopia as the most fukked up vile shit ever man yo kind of stuff to round out their metal credentials.

Thrash just seems to have so much more quantity that it allows for a wider gradient of fandom but I'm probably just extremely ignorant of anything beyond the top ~10 or so most popular sludge bands.
Neurosis are meh if we're talking sludge. Give me Grief, Eyehategod, Buzzov-en, Iron Monkey, Fistula, Cavity... I think you get my point.

I love EHG but you can't go wrong with Through Silver in Blood. You probably
haven't listened to it for a long time, it's a top notch metal album. One of my all time fav for sure.