Albums currently kicking your ass

I love Majesty and the Providence EP, but Kingdom is simply trying to do the same thing yet coming up short track after track. Its a quintessential album to refrence for an example of stagnating on a sound with no more inspiration going into it.
Providence is sick.

Just to be clear i like all four albums in question, but no way in hell are the last two(heck we can go as far back as 98) Incantation albums better. They are the definition of recycled.

And Kingdom might be their worst but that says a lot about their untouchable discog ... unlike Incantation who have a few ho-hum albums.
Hammerheart has always been my favourite. One of the few albums where solos/leads are done perfectly. Seriously. The solos on that shit are pure fucking genius. They aren't shittily masturbatory, and fit with the songs just so damn well. sure BFD owns because it is a thrashing and a half, and UtSotBM is the classic 'black metal' release, but hammerheart always has and probably will always be my favourite.
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Greece's best black metal band is back at it. HAIL DIONYSUS! HAIL THE DIOSCURI!

I've only heard In the Rain and I'd like it a lot more with a better vocalist. Not to say the vocals are bad, I just don't think they're particularly good either. I'll listen to this, cheers.
Heh the vocals are actually pretty bad on In the Rain, both Tony Wakeford of Sol Invictus and Ian Read of Fire+Ice are notoriously bad singers even compared to other neofolk artists.
Both know how to make music though. If you like In the Rain you should try The Blade with Sol Invictus, it's his best work and he almost sounds ok on it. ; )

On the Bathory albums: I don't think I even have to state that I think Hammerheart is the greatest album ever.
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Can't say I've ever seen anyone say that Kawir is the best Greek black metal band before. Cool band though, didn't know they had a new release out this year. I'll check it out.

Yeah, I wouldn't rank them among my favorites but they're good. Does any Hellenic black metal legitimately suck?