Albums currently kicking your ass

I only own Release, which I really like but have to be in a specific mood to listen to it. Would you recommend that one next?

I have all their albums except For the Sake of No One. Honestly I feel like I probably got a little carried away buying them, but most cost $3 anyway. My favorite is Yet So Far, despite a brutal review on MA.
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Pretty sure that album sucks because quality over quantity

Once again, you show off your stupidity. That is Revelation, who have released a mere 6 (or 7) albums over the span of their 30 year career. Hell, your favorite band Jungle Rot has put out more albums in the past 20 years so they must suck because quality over quantity, right?

For the Sake of No One and the self-titled album are pretty incredible. Salvation's Answer shares a lot of the same songs with the self-titled, which was previously unreleased, but there is something about the harsher production that I really enjoy. Might not be the best to start with though. Never Comes Silence is great, but holy fuck it's daunting due to that 18 minute closing track.
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I've never been able to choose a favorite. I've been listening to those albums since high school and I just can't pick.