Albums currently kicking your ass


queen = AIDS .... and not just literally.
Not hardcore enough.

Meh, I make no intelligence judgments either way, but sometimes things correlate. For instance, you don't have to be stupid to enjoy spectator sports, Trump rallies or wrestling, but it certainly doesn't hurt. Couldn't say for sure, but I'd guess karaoke falls into the same category.
LOL. Don't be such an edgelord.
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Liking this considerably more than the debut.

I just finished watching Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II and this art reminds me so much of Rodan.
On Deströyer 666:
Unchain the Wolves is better than Phoenix Rising for sure but Phoenix Rising is still great. Never really gotten into Cold Steel... or later albums though, not sure why. The Terror Abraxas EP is awsome though.
Not sure wtf is up with liking the reissue Phoenix Rising artwork more, it is bland and boring while the original is really great and easily D666s best album artwork?

On Karaoke:
I basically never sing this shit, I'am too timid and wimpy but there was this one time when I was in Tokyo and after a nomihodai (pay for unlimited drink access for a limited time) I happened to find myself in a Karaoke bar singing Iron Maiden songs with a couple of japanese guys that didn't really know english but we bonded over Michael Jackson and Abba (not sure how?) and they also bought me a Sake-set (and Sake ofcourse) for the after party. It was like I was living in a school life anime! The touristing the day after was hell though.
Why does stores that sells all kinds of random stuff like for example kitchen utensils have open at 1am in the night on a weekday there btw?

On albums currently kicking my ass:
Not really into thrash or overly technical stuff, but it works really well here, probably the huge power metal influences that does it!
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Neo Inferno 262 Hacking the Holy Code

Gosh, if you like ANY industrial element in your French black metal, you will love this. Even if you don't, you should prolly check it anyways.
I like Engram quite much, and I'm not really a fan of OOBB so it isn't that. But DDTM has a special atmosphere that is so weird and cool and I just love it. It is one of the first albums that made me open my eyes to other bm than norwegian too, so nostalgia probably plays sone parts in my opinion though. ;)