Albums currently kicking your ass

To me, "War" just sounds like an old throwaway Mayhem song. Doesn't really fit. I like the song but not in the context of that record.

It almost just sounds like a Crawling In Vomits rip-off.

Symphonies = Necroticism > Surgical Steel > Reek > Heartwork > Swansong

For a start, no fucking way is Necroticism equal with Symphonies Of Sickness.

Symphonies > Reek > Necroticism > Heartwork > Surgical Steel > Swansong

Great album!
I think most people would disagree with you.

If you asked me 10 years ago, i would have been on the same page as you. But throughout the years i've come to accept that Necroticism is just as good, if not better than Symphonies.

EDIT: Also, i remember namedropping Reek for one of the albums that came out in '88 and got a "i dont give a shit about any of those albums" or something along those lines. Or maybe that was in response to one of HBB's posts, not sure.
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Reek > Necroticism

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Most people are retarded.

I can certainly see someone thinking Necroticism is better than Reek Of Putrefaction though.

Also, i remember namedropping Reek for one of the albums that came out in '88 and got a "i dont give a shit about any of those albums" or something along those lines. weird.

I remember saying I pretty much don't give a shit about any of those albums or something to the effect of not making an absolute statement. Because there was another album you named besides Reek Of Putrefaction that I also liked.

I tend to put Reek > Necroticism simply because I'm a grinder before I'm a death metaller so it just appeals to me more.
Necroticism fucking rules though.
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Just found a copy of this for $10 on discogs. I remember being a young guy listening to metal obsessed with razorback records and not knowing anything about Spanish, thinking this albums title meant something like "Carnage in the Cemetery" that's close to "Cemetery Meat" right?