Albums currently kicking your ass

lol, I never noticed that face in the background. I was going to agree with you before that. Awesome album either way, the first side especially is perfect, some of the heaviest trad around, especially for the time.
I figured as much. Most reunion albums are underwhelming.


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Swansong kills Surgical Steel. I wasn't impressed by it. It's like Carcass wanted to make Heartwork 2 and just couldn't get the hooks that Heartwork had. At least Swansong is catchy.
Nah, "War"'is pretty bad imo, and it sounds out of place on the album. That awful solo from Euronymous is probably part of the reason why Varg killed him.

Agreed on "Ea, Lord of the Depths". That one and "My Journey to the Stars" are probably my favourites on the debut.