Albums currently kicking your ass

We (Stockholm) don't get 35 degrees ever, hardly 30 degrees either, maybe one or two days in the summer. And well, It isn't really cold here either, but you notice the more brisk winds and abit chillier mornings as harbinger of autumn.
We (Stockholm) don't get 35 degrees ever, hardly 30 degrees either, maybe one or two days in the summer. And well, It isn't really cold here either, but you notice the more brisk winds and abit chillier mornings as harbinger of autumn.
Sign me up.

This album has been growing on me for a while. Always a little more melodic and nuanced than I remembered, strong speed metal. Destroys anything Agent Steel ever did.
The Gallery is 1000 times better than Slaughter of the Soul imo.

Oh, thank goodness someone said it. I've been at odds with many melodeath fans over this subject for years and it was simply getting on my nerves.

As for Slaughter of the Soul vs. The Gallery as an argument, The Gallery has far more creative songwriting, its composition and technicality is far more compelling for full listens and Mikael Stanne is a much better vocalist.
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You should have known people were going to dislike this given how much hate it gets online. I'm going to stick my neck out and say that personally I quite like it, even if it laid down the blueprint for The Haunted (who then went on to be metalcore's biggest influence).

Never really gotten into Dark Tranquility. I keep trying with their early albums, but for some reason it isn't clicking. Could it be because they suck?
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Why everyone wants to stab me in the back these days I don't get it..

well listened to this album again and it sucks i didn't listen to more Sodom albums but 1st: alot of Sodom albums are crap and 2nd: wasn't in the mood.


ALSO this:
