Albums currently kicking your ass

@Baroque What I find weird about the Symphony X I've heard (DWoT, The Odyssey and random songs from other albums) is that their classical elements seem more instrumental than compositional; that is to say they'll include lots of overt references to classical like orchestrated bits, neoclassical guitarwork and direct classical quotes like the one in the first song you linked but compositionally their songs range from conventionally structured shorter songs to long epics made up of a series of wanky bits. I'm sure you listen to a lot more classical than me but I listen to some and I've never heard an acclaimed symphony that sounded as disjointed as the title track on Divine Wings for instance, and I don't think listening to/studying more classical music would somehow make it make sense. I echo what no country said in his 'gods' mixtape review; I don't understand why metalheads who are into classical latch onto stuff like Symphony X instead of The Chasm. That said I really don't hate the band; they have a great sound when they go easy on the neoclassical noodling and I quite like some of their more economical songs like "Out of the Ashes".
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I think you haven't heard enough of them. Pale imitations? They quote composers like Mozart directly:

(start at 2:20)

This could easily be part of a film score:

This too:

Now that I've listened to these, I can definitely say that I'm not interested in these sorts of songs. I like the beginning of the first track but I lost interest in it really fast. The other two songs sound like bad film soundtracks that would be at home in some modern film like the Underworld series, which is funny to me since one of the albums has the same title.

As I said before, the level of musicianship is obviously adequate but the songs don't grab my attention. I'd have to agree with @Vegard Pompey that they tend to create disjointed compositions.

I would be interested in hearing more concise, metal-oriented songs by this band if you want to link some of those.
Now that I've listened to these, I can definitely say that I'm not interested in these sorts of songs. I like the beginning of the first track but I lost interest in it really fast. The other two songs sound like bad film soundtracks that would be at home in some modern film like the Underworld series, which is funny to me since one of the albums has the same title.

As I said before, the level of musicianship is obviously adequate but the songs don't grab my attention. I'd have to agree with @Vegard Pompey that they tend to create disjointed compositions.

To each his own. Being a prog metal listener for 21 years they do not sound disjointed at all. I seek out bands far more disjointed than them. I enjoy the challenge of trying to understand and enjoy a disjointed composition.

As for this,

I would be interested in hearing more concise, metal-oriented songs by this band if you want to link some of those.

Concise is not really the word I would use to describe their best material, but this is the track most people start with

I like this one recently

It's kind of a band you either 'get' or you don't. It's fine if you don't. To say they're not interesting though, I dunno about that. There's a lot going on here, it's certainly interesting even if you don't enjoy it.

Not concise, but great (one of their best prog metal songs imo) with classical elements often throughout

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If you want concise tracks from SX, I would also recommend Of Sins and Shadows, In the Dragon's Den, Fallen, Egypt, Sea of Lies, Smoke and Mirrors, etc. Quite a lot of good stuff that isn't very lengthy.
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to me 'disjointed' implies something inherently nonsensical rather than merely complex or hard to immediately grasp or w/e. sounds like you don't mean you like disjointed compositions so much as that you don't find said compositions disjointed because you're not a simple-minded trad metal barbarian like the rest of us wastrels, which may or may not be fair enough. personally i often love complex music so long as it has some kind of structure that makes sense to me, but if i perceive it as just being randomly glued together or w/e then it just comes across as anti-artistic to me, meaningless in other words. i get the latter feeling from supposedly complex metal a lot more often than i do from, say, the classical canon.
I listened to the second batch of Symphony X songs. They at least sound like metal and not lame soundtracks. While I can see the musicianship on display, the compositions unfortunately do little to endear themselves to me. The production also makes them sound sterile and lifeless.

I did want to specifically say that this is extremely pretentious to even say, for obvious reasons:
To say they're not interesting though, I dunno about that. There's a lot going on here, it's certainly interesting even if you don't enjoy it.

I'm done discussing this band though. This is kicking my ass currently:

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Oh, absolutely. The early stuff is way better than the albums that mostly consist of new versions of early songs. I do enjoy the first several proper Pentagram full-lengths but this is just too good.

Have you listened to Child of Darkness by any chance?
I like it a lot. It's more raw than First Daze Here but it sounds better than much of First Daze Here Too which has quite a few tracks that almost sound like Bobby is underwater.



The more I listen to this album, the more I'm convinced that this is the first second-wave black metal album. Nearly the best one, too.