Albums currently kicking your ass

Can you explain the Omni joke to me? Because I have no idea what's funny about it, really.

He acts like someone who used to post here. Her name was Omni. She left because HBB showed her what was up. Elric got upset one time when I called him Omni but everyone else was doing it. I started doing it again to get under his skin.
He was arguing that Pagan Altar's late 70s/early 80s material was a lie and that all evidence that exists about them from back then is fabricated or some shit.

This was shortly after some other huge argument they had where HBB said that Revelation's vocalist was ripping off Ozzy Osbourne or something lol. They had a lot of arguments.
And how did he do that, exactly? This was all after my glorious ascendency to this forum, mind you. :tickled:

You're being dishonest as usual anyways, because I can easily find interviews where he mentions his Sabbath influence. "John Brenner" + "Layne Staley" barely even returns any results.

Irony. I'm done here.

"I can't back up any of my arguments, and citing Wikipedia is no longer helping"
Nah, I think they had that argument shortly before the Pagan Altar one which is when she decided to leave. Although it could have been the other way around. I can't remember which thread this Pagan Altar debate was in, or I'd find it.
I just ignore the Omni stuff now because all of the people who bring it up do it because they have nothing else to say. I'll reply to most anything else if I feel like it. Apparently that means I'm too serious or something.
Nah, I think they had that argument shortly before the Pagan Altar one which is when she decided to leave. Although it could have been the other way around. I can't remember which thread this Pagan Altar debate was in, or I'd find it.

I posted some pictures and shit from that time frame and he still denied it all. Even found proof of one of the members he said didnt exist being a real person. It's completely pointless to argue with him because hes actually retarded.

album art.jpg

Underrated, great album. Not sure why people dont like latter day MF.