Albums currently kicking your ass

Man, I remember when I first heard that album in 6th grade. I listened to Gateways of Bereavement a lot. Was one of my favorite tracks by them.

I was sad that Jonas Renske's voice couldn't handle harsh vocals anymore. He was great here.
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Agree, I love Renkses harsh vocals! Have you heard the track Black Erotica from the WAR compilation? It's an early version of 12 from BMD and an indication how that album would have sounded with Renkse instead of Åkerfeldt.
I wish I knew about metal in 6th grade. It would've changed my life.
Didn't earn me many friends at the time but you know...fuck it. :D

Agree, I love Renkses harsh vocals! Have you heard the track Black Erotica from the WAR compilation? It's an early version of 12 from BMD and an indication how that album would have sounded with Renkse instead of Åkerfeldt.
Yeah, I did.