Albums currently kicking your ass

I said that there was scant evidence of Pagan Altar existing and suggested that they could have fabricated a back history at some point later. Krow posting a record showing the existence of one of the early members was decent evidence that they actually did exist back then, so I dropped it after that. I maintain that the supposed tape scan as well as vinyl bootlegs are 90s forgeries, however, although admittedly that could just as easily be the doing of disreputable eBayers.

He was arguing that Pagan Altar's late 70s/early 80s material was a lie and that all evidence that exists about them from back then is fabricated or some shit.

This was shortly after some other huge argument they had where HBB said that Revelation's vocalist was ripping off Ozzy Osbourne or something lol. They had a lot of arguments.

It was the latter argument that made her leave. I called her dishonest and that's all it took.
HBB actually had convincing points, Omni is just a femdom with a messiah complex and couldn't handle being disagreed with in that way. She literally had no good rebuttals to HBB's points.

She's cool in my book but it was pretty embarrassing.
I'm beginning to think that HBB is nothing more than a reforgery and ebay bootleggers trying to recreate the worlds biggest homo faggot since Ozzman but I lack the evidence so...
I listened to a couple of tracks from Everything is Fire for the first time the other day. All I could think was "wow, these guys really like Immolation". It seems they're compared to Gorguts more but the tracks I heard sounded a lot like Immolation.

I wasn't massively excited by what I heard, but I'll need to give it a few more listens. Is Everything is Fire their best album?
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I've only played the oldschool Shin Megami Tensei games (and never got far in any of them), but this is a pretty sweet soundtrack. Definitely need to add it to my commute playlist.
I listened to a couple of tracks from Everything is Fire for the first time the other day. All I could think was "wow, these guys really like Immolation". It seems they're compared to Gorguts more but the tracks I heard sounded a lot like Immolation.

I wasn't massively excited by what I heard, but I'll need to give it a few more listens. Is Everything is Fire their best album?

Really? What Immolation album(s) sound like Ulcerate? I'm not familiar with most of Immolation's discography, largely because Dawn of Possession, which everyone loves, has never wowed me. However, if they've got records closer to Ulcerate, I want to hear.