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Left Hand Path is more on the ugly, disgusting, horrific side of death metal. The side I give a fuck about the most.

A little ugly. I'm not seeing the disgusting. Gritty? Sure. But not disgusting. I don't find it horrifying at all, and certainly doesn't have any track that even approaches the level of horror displayed on Dismember's "Dismembered" or "Skin Her Alive."
Are you actually comparing Deathsmell Omega and Mutiilation to fucking Leo Tolstoy? Jesusfuck get over yourself you pretentious pest.

Deathspell Omega more so. Both perfect their art form through vast and visionary magnum opuses that convey an intensely ideological metaphysics. Mutiilation is a little simpler, but Remains conveys an absolute limit of human suffering, and in doing so, advances human expression as a whole.
Deathspell Omega more so. Both perfect their art form through vast and visionary magnum opuses that convey an intensely ideological metaphysics. Mutiilation is a little simpler, but Remains conveys an absolute limit of human suffering, and in doing so, advances human expression as a whole.

Even Mey'nach himself would laugh/cringe at this. Fuck off, please.
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A little ugly. I'm not seeing the disgusting. Gritty? Sure. But not disgusting. I don't find it horrifying at all, and certainly doesn't have any track that even approaches the level of horror displayed on Dismember's "Dismembered" or "Skin Her Alive."

I'm talking more about the gory side of horror, those chainsaw riffs are just a watered down continuation of Nihilist's disgusting and ugly sound. Not sure I really give a fuck about what you consider horrific or ugly or disgusting anyway, your sensibilities are severely at a clash with my own. You like Trotsky metal, I want drunken rapist zombie that pisses pus metal.

Left Hand Path is kind of pretty and poppy honestly...

Your mother's pussy is poppy. But not pretty.

Deathspell Omega more so. Both perfect their art form through vast and visionary magnum opuses that convey an intensely ideological metaphysics. Mutiilation is a little simpler, but Remains conveys an absolute limit of human suffering, and in doing so, advances human expression as a whole.

If Deathspell Omega had nonsense occultist lyrics on the level of Show No Mercy, they'd just be another decent black metal band. They hardly do anything mindblowing or "perfect" from what I can tell.
I'm talking more about the gory side of horror, those chainsaw riffs are just a watered down continuation of Nihilist's disgusting and ugly sound. Not sure I really give a fuck about what you consider horrific or ugly or disgusting anyway, your sensibilities are severely at a clash with my own. You like Trotsky metal, I want drunken rapist zombie that pisses pus metal.

Yeah it really doesn't even create that sort of ambience, save perhaps a few moments. Scream Bloody Gore this is not.

If Deathspell Omega had nonsense occultist lyrics on the level of Show No Mercy, they'd just be another decent black metal band. They hardly do anything mindblowing or "perfect" from what I can tell.

IIRC you were listening to Si Monumentum... for the first time a few months ago. I'm not sure if you've heard Fas or Paracletus, but if you haven't, those are their masterworks. So far as I know, they invented (and perfected) the marriage of technical death metal and orthadox black metal. Love those albums or hate them, but there's no way you can claim they are "just another" black metal band after hearing them.
:rofl: Do you also think Stephen King> Leo Tolstoy?

This is a horrible analogy since the artists that you're equating to Stephen King predate the artists that you're equating to Leo Tolstoy, among other issues.

Sortilège was also one of Chuck Schuldiner's biggest influences, which alone means they probably impacted metal more than most bands.
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