Albums currently kicking your ass

This is a horrible analogy since the artists that you're equating to Stephen King predate the artists that you're equating to Leo Tolstoy, among other issues.

Sortilège was also one of Chuck Schuldiner's biggest influences, which alone means they probably impacted metal more than most bands.

Typical plebeian response. Quick! Appeal to popularity (even if there's a degree of separation)!
Scream Bloody Gore this is not.

Well we can agree there, I never said Left Hand Path was anything close to the pinnacle of disgusting death metal. It's not even better than it's predecessor demo band.

IIRC you were listening to Si Monumentum... for the first time a few months ago. I'm not sure if you've heard Fas or Paracletus, but if you haven't, those are their masterworks. So far as I know, they invented (and perfected) the marriage of technical death metal and orthadox black metal. Love those albums or hate them, but there's no way you can claim they are "just another" black metal band after hearing them.

This is a fair point, I really don't know enough to make a statement about them, I can only go off that one album you recommended to me.
Typical plebeian response. Quick! Appeal to popularity (even if there's a degree of separation)!

Deathspell Omega is the most popular of the four bands being discussed, so I'm not sure what you're trying to do unless it's make yourself look like a moron.

You're obviously far less enlightened and intelligent than you believe but that also precludes the possibility of you ever realizing that fact.
Deathspell Omega is the most popular of the four bands being discussed, so I'm not sure what you're trying to do unless it's make yourself look like a moron.

You're obviously far less enlightened and intelligent than you believe but that also precludes the possibility of you ever realizing that fact.

Oh lord. It's hard when you can't even follow your own argument. You're implying that Sortliege are better because they influenced a band who influenced a lot of bands. That's an appeal to popularity, once removed. Of course, you provide no insight to any of the music in and of itself. Utter plebeian thinking.
Oh lord. It's hard when you can't even follow your own argument. You're implying that Sortliege are better because they influenced a band who influenced a lot of bands. That's an appeal to popularity, once removed. Of course, you provide no insight to any of the music in and of itself. Utter plebeian thinking.

This is the most backwards shit that I've read in some time. Do you actually believe the things that you say?

I don't need to explain music to you and wouldn't bother doing it because you automatically decide everyone else is less intelligent than you in every discussion that you ever participate in. I doubt that you behave this way in real life because you probably wouldn't have any teeth left from being punched in the face regularly.
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This is the most backwards shit that I've read in some time. Do you actually believe the things that you say?

I don't need to explain music to you and wouldn't bother doing it because you automatically decide everyone else is less intelligent than you in every discussion that you ever participate in. I doubt that you behave this way in real life because you probably wouldn't have any teeth left from being punched in the face regularly.

And I'm sure you go around real life punching people's teeth out when they point out the logical flaws in your reasoning? #internettoughguy :lol:
And I'm sure you go around real life punching people's teeth out when they point out the logical flaws in your reasoning? #internettoughguy :lol:

I actually don't think that violence is a good way to solve conflicts, but I do know how to recognize arrogant behavior that other people would see as making you quite punchable.

You always resort to claiming, with no evidence whatsoever, that your views are intellectually superior to every other viewpoint expressed.
I actually don't think that violence is a good way to solve conflicts, but I do know how to recognize arrogant behavior that other people would see as making you quite punchable.

Never had this problem before. But then again, I don't hang out with dumbasses who fantasize about violence when someone disagrees with their views on music.

You always resort to claiming, with no evidence whatsoever, that your views are intellectually superior to every other viewpoint expressed.

I always defend and articulate my positions if asked or challenged, usually referencing specific aspects of the music, lyrics, or themes to justify my position, so the "no evidence whatsoever" point is nonsense.

What dis?