Albums currently kicking your ass

If you track down their demo/live tracks that never made it onto Condemned, though, you'll find stuff worth healing.

These demo recordings in some ways remind me of early Earth Crisis (vocals aside) is it just me? I'm listening to "Collapse into Despair" right now and the drumming and some of the riffing just has that early metalcore vibe.

How many doom bands released material in the 2000s onward that can touch TWK ? Reverend Bizarre and Revelation at least, but nothing else immediately comes to mind. The first two TWK albums especially are incredible.

How many doom bands released material in the 2000s onward that can touch TWK ? Reverend Bizarre and Revelation at least, but nothing else immediately comes to mind. The first two TWK albums especially are incredible.

Definitely Griftegard. The Gates of Slumber too. Maybe even Uncle Acid's "Bloodlust". I never got TWK hype either.
I definitely understand not really digging them, but they, especially on their first two albums, really do everything right for me.
Definitely Griftegard. The Gates of Slumber too. Maybe even Uncle Acid's "Bloodlust". I never got TWK hype either.

Griftegard I'll give you. S.S.S. is an absolute house. TGoS have their great albums in Suffer No Guilt and Conqueror for sure. Never quite got into Uncle Acid though.

So gave this a partial listen on the way to work on Sunday, then listened to the rest at home later. Not Terrible, not amazing, but not terrible.


Feel pretty much the same about this one here..

Unlike the other two I have heard this gem before, but I've listened to it front to back a few times in the past week, and I still fucking love it just as much as I did when I first heard it around when it was released. Very good hidden death metal gem here if you haven't heard it.

Forgot how amazing this was. God damn this album is mean and heavy, I mean holy fuck did these guys wake up on the wrong side of bed or what?? and all the way through at that, even the more hard rock-y songs have a serious bite to them. It's practically proto-thrash in attitude, and tell me Mavrock is not a doom metal song because it fucking is.
Been in a BM mood lately. Only thing is, I've become super picky with BM these days. This rules though even though its like black/death. Will probably buy it too.

Hail - Inheritance of Evilness

Huh, I've never heard of this band before. The cover art looks super sick. Can you give me some more info/comparisons so I can make a more educated decision on if I should check them out or not? Thanks.