Albums currently kicking your ass


Sorhin - Apokalypsens Ängel

Black metal that riffs hard.

Better than Black Sails at Midnight and on par with Captain Morgan's Revenge and Back Through Time. A fun album to listen to while having a few drinks and floating around the pool.

Tornillo Accept strikes again. 4th grand slam in a row with this lineup. Melodic, hard-driving harmonic bliss drips like a pissed off pleasure waterfall, Baltes' bass pumps John Entwhistle style through the mix, Tornillo continues to rival Udo himself, the drums pop like good candy, overall 8.5/10.

Mighty contender for extreme metal record of the year so far. Black/speed metal majesty. 7.5/10. Venom's former gunslingers strike out on their own with applomb.