Albums currently kicking your ass

Don't think I ever listened to it. Winterkill and Energy Vampires were both big disappointments to me. I'll give it a shot though.
Are they worth checking out? Pretty much grabbed it for No Place Like Home, haven't listened to the other stuff on there.

I mostly want to see if they remind him of the same thing that they reminded me of, without me planting the suggestion beforehand.

The demo versions (also some exclusive songs only on demos) and the "Metro-Mercenary" single are cool, but I would pass on the final track of the second disc. It's a solo song from one of the band members.
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I'll have to revisit it. I only gave it the one listen but thought that it wasn't anything special.

Definitely get on that! The first 6 tracks are all varying degrees of amazing. The Obtained Enslavement cover is good but unnecessary and the final track doesn’t resonate with me as much as the rest. I love the mixture of more primitive riffing with more epic and grandiose melody. Clearly it’s extremely indebted to the second wave classics, however, it doesn’t feel tiresome or rehashed due to the fantastic songwriting and convincing atmosphere. It’s just pure frozen majesty. Exceptional vocal performance as well. That intro track hits me in the feels every time!

I need to check out their mid period stuff because I really enjoy this, Snowland and Moonrise in Total Darkness but I’ve not heard the rest.
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I had no idea that band was even active let alone this actually coming out. I've been waiting a long time for this.

For those curious and can't google anything it's Wisdom Through Agony Into Illumination and Lunacy vol. II

Listened to a bit so far. Stuff in the Blackened Doom/Sludge realm has really been catching my ear lately (Coffinworm, Yith, newer Cobalt & Urfaust, etc.) as the two genres really mix well. I think a large part of it is how the doomy influence cuts out the more screechy/trebly black metal elements. It's gud.

Speaking of Urfaust:

^ Masterpiece.


Somehow never heard of these guys before. First impression, good American metal in that sweet spot between heavier glam and USPM, sort of like Pantera's Power Metal or Shok Paris. 10/10 cover art too.
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