Albums currently kicking your ass

I don't listen to that album often because of its length, but still pretty amazing he was able to make something like that 20 years after the last Anacrusis album.
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I don't listen to that album often because of its length, but still pretty amazing he was able to make something like that 20 years after the last Anacrusis album.
Despite being one of the longest double albums I think I've ever heard, I still enjoy the vast majority of the tracks on it. It's quite an accomplishment, that's for sure.

Kinda has a White Zombie-lite thing to it but for some reason it works for me. Will probably remain my top pick of the 93-07 period at least.

Like, Genocya just came on and this is almost nu metal but the flow is so fucking good I'm getting mild chills. Underrated album.
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I've liked everything I've heard so far, but haven't given enough listens to really rank them yet. They do seem consistent.

My ranking:

Deathcult = Procession > Conjuration > Farseeing > From the Lost Years > Procreation = The Spell of Retribution

I mean, when The Spell is their least good record you just know they’re a great fucking band! The Spell is still a good release, it’s just too bloated. It has incredible peaks, though. A career highlight for most other bands even!


You must be thinking of some other forum.

They’re not discussed that much tbh. A few mentions here and there, mainly in the yearly polls these days. Metal bands generally struggle with consistency so bands like The Chasm, Darkthrone, Bolt Thrower, etc should be talked about a lot just for managing to be so consistently good throughout long careers. The Chasm have 7 albums (not listened to their newest enough) that range from good to top tier shit. Far and above what most metal bands achieve.
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