Albums currently kicking your ass


Need to give it more time before I can decisively call it the best Chasm album, as I only started listening to it this year I think, but I find myself going to this album much rather than Deathcult for my murky, doomy, strange early Chasm fix. Used to think The Gravefields was the obvious standout but the last two songs are really kicking my ass right now.
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Best idea ever! I am off next week so perhaps I will also have a day of nothing but The Chasm!

Have you not listened to their debut much? It’s definitely fucking rough but it’s still worthwhile. I actually find it an easier listen than From the Lost Years which I find to be their least accessible release.

I’m still sad you only gave Storm of Revelations a 7 in the Mixtape game from the above album! Second best track there after Cosmic Landscapes of Sorrow. I know you rave about Return of the Banished but it’s not even a top 3 song!