Albums currently kicking your ass


Moonblood/Deathspell Omega split. Excellent material from both bands on this split!
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Miasma - Changes

Seems to be one of those forgotten underground classics. I was hoping the fairly recent reissue would start a resurgence in its popularity.

Absolutely fucking brutal and insanely crushing but with bags of sophistication and weird ideas. That guitar tone is absolutely devastating. The vocals are disgustingly guttural, which I’m not usually a fan of but this guy sounds possessed and demonic while still actually bothering to enunciate. I do wish he used his high shrieks a bit more though, as they’re amazing. Seriously, some sections in this are beyond vicious - mid way through Drowning in Blood is sheer brutality and sonic violence.

Savage, demented and ready to fucking demolish you. Surely should be in anyone’s top death metal albums of all time.

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Embrace of Thorns - Atonement Ritual

Not really into the whole beastial black/death stuff but this is good. Opening riff is so headbangable. Definitely take this over Seven Chalices.
Cool cover art! What does this sound like?

It's above average in comparison to other Cascadian atmospheric black metal bands, but that doesn't mean a whole lot. They also gave the least interesting live metal performance that I've ever seen.
It's above average in comparison to other Cascadian atmospheric black metal bands, but that doesn't mean a whole lot. They also gave the least interesting live metal performance that I've ever seen.

I've never bothered checking them out after seeing them labeled a Mgla ripoff, a band I find uninteresting.
I've never bothered checking them out after seeing them labeled a Mgla ripoff, a band I find uninteresting.

I listened to a song and it sounded like Mgla filtered through melodic black/death.

Have you heard this by Mgla:

Probably the best thing they've done. Disgusting vocals and a convincing atmosphere. They've never sounded this filthy since.
I'd just call it atmospheric black metal if outside of cascadian areas, but you're right, people probably use the tag rather loosely.

The Uada song I heard from that album was definitely not atmospheric black metal. It was standard melodic black/death with an obvious Mgla influence.

Also Dweller, you listen to a shit tonne of black metal don’t you. Care to name your top 5-10 favourites from the past 10 years? Guessing you’ll have a lot on the list that I haven’t heard.
The Uada song I heard from that album was definitely not atmospheric black metal. It was standard melodic black/death with an obvious Mgla influence.

Also Dweller, you listen to a shit tonne of black metal don’t you. Care to name your top 5-10 favourites from the past 10 years? Guessing you’ll have a lot on the list that I haven’t heard.

Wode's self titled is impressive atmo black.

Arstidir Lifsens do pagan black right.

Howl's of Ebb is a good mix of eccentric black death.

Dordeduh pick up where Negura Bunget left off.

Pillorian's debut is also worth a gander for the Agalloch fans.

Head of the Demon for something slower.

Penitence Onirique also put out a decent first record.

Gevurah do aggressive black well.

Ethereal Shroud has a depressive vibe for that soundscape type stuff.

Cult of Fire is worth your time. Sitar, man.

Hope you find something new/ worthwhile here!
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That Cult of Fire is the only one I'm in any way familiar with. I remember liking, but not loving it. It was definitely quite unique.

Will let you know my thoughts on the others when I've listened.
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