Albums currently kicking your ass

I really liked Type O Negative as well. My favorite was October Rust, but I really liked Dead again as well. I enjoyed the song Halloween in Heaven a lot because I thought it was pretty cool it had Tara Van Flower singing.
Are you going to elaborate on this?

The last minute of Truth to the Cross pretty much sounds like Burzum. Infinite Voyage is full of tremolo-picked stuff. The intro riff of Cursed be the Deceiver could have been found on DMDS. The more traditional songs have a lofty marching Bathory/Manowar pace. The stuff that's just speed metal still sounds ambient relative to bands like Agent Steel because of the high-gain guitar tone and minimized emphasis on pedal-point riffing. It's more black metal than 90% of the Hellenic bands at least.
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Tomb Mold - Manor of Infinite Forms

This album fulfills the promise that the band showed on Primordial Malignity, which is an impressive feat considering the short gestation period between releases. Tomb Mold delivers sinister death metal of a variety that should appeal to fans of early Suffocation and Demigod's Slumber of Sullen Eyes. This is easily the heaviest thing that I've heard yet in 2018.
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Tomb Mold - Manor of Infinite Forms

This album fulfills the promise that the band showed on Primordial Malignity, which is an impressive feat considering the short gestation period between releases. Tomb Mold delivers sinister death metal of a variety that should appeal to fans of early Suffocation and Demigod's Slumber of Sullen Eyes. This is easily the heaviest thing that I've heard yet in 2018.

Yes! This is an excellent follow up. Had the cd in my car throughout most of the week and never tired of it.
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Ancient Gods - Mystic Lands


Ancient Gods - Cosmic Evil

May be of interest to fans of The Chasm as they have a somewhat similar sound and share the drummer.

Helheim - Jormundgand

Musically this rules, but those extremely shrill banshee shrieks are so invasive. A shame, because the more standard vocals he uses occasionally are very good. I wouldn’t mind the banshee shrieks so much if they were used sparingly like in Macabre Omen or something. Unfortunately they’re the predominant style and become rather grating. I find the follow up to be a much easier listen, although musically not quite as good.